
Note: ** History ** is a copy of the record before the edit occured (except Delete/Undelete only).

Who? and Why? is new, added April 24, 2019 so we know why the record was deleted.
History prior to this date, will not show Who and Why.

Yeast DELETED Start Ingredients Finish Ingredients Notes Attributes/Flavors Brewer ID#
Date: LastEdited   
IP: LastEdited Who? Why?
Y-82 NO 130 H 20 LW @ 12 - Very Potent Spicy Sweet; Noticeable Clove mbizi 28 193.32.1 ... See below for who/why
Y-82 NO 130 H @ 1200 20 LW @ 12 - Very Potent Spicy Sweet; Noticeable Clove mbizi 17 193.32.1 ... mbizi formatting

History Displaying: 1 record(s)