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Updated: 12/12/2018: Bug Fix: Sometimes when Line 2 (input from Utility, Chest, Copy to Clipboard) contained thistles (most likely 1000+), it would not show in output.

Updated: 7/5/2018: Output now strips and remove any line that does not contain the word Thistle: from input.
So you are left with only thistles and not other things that were in your warehouse/chest clipboard.

Please note change to Automato recently: v2.27 - Update ATITD's Thistle Mode to load from config_thistle_local.txt before config_thistle.txt
You should take advantage of that and rename/copy your config_thistle.txt to config_thistle_local.txt !
This will prevent any updates from Automato overwriting your config_thistle.txt and losing your settings, including Stock data.

Updated: 12/18/2010: Up to 6 seperate chests/warehouses supported.
Will now convert the first line (of each chest's clipboard) into a label, formated correctly for config_thistles.txt
ie Largechest owned by Cruz Del Sur at egypt 1521 2181 will be converted to: Stock "label:Chest 1 <or Label>"
You can now also save your labels/chest names (label 1-6) in cookies for future visits :)
You should now just be able to copy/paste the entire Output: box into config_thistles.txt or config_thistles_local.txt without any modifications.

Input: Paste (Ctrl+V) chest clipboard contents (Utility - Copy contents to clipboard) into each box. Always use Label 1 first.
If you have more than 1 chest, then copy those into Chest 2-6. The data from all chests will be merged into one output, seperated by labels.

Label 1:
Label 2:
Label 3:
Label 4:
Label 5:
Label 6:

Save label/chest names - Remember for future visits (create cookies)
Revert back to default label/chest names (delete cookies)

Output: (copy into config_thistle.txt or config_thistle_local.txt):