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Tests I'm currently parsing. If any are missing and should be included, let @Cegaiel#5875 on discord know! If they don't appear either they're not unlocked yet, no passes has occured yet or a bug has occured (let me know). Architecture: Library of Alexandria Test of Funerary Temple Test of Hand of Ra Test of Ka Throne of Pharaoh Test of Seven Phoenix Art: Test of Dancing Waters Test of Flight Test of the Formal Garden Test of the Raeli Mosaic Test of the Prismatic Opticon Test of the Sculptors Test of the Windsong Body: Test of the Archaeologist Venery Philosophy: Balance of Goods Test of Life Thought: Test of Alchemists Rune Test of the Bijou Test of Empty Hand Test of Hexaglyphs Tomb of the Immortal Test of the Pathmaker Pulse of the People Worship: Path of the Pilgrim Test of Holy Shrine Test of Leavened Bread Test of Marriage
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Art & Music