UTC Time |
Message |
5/21/2021 11:18:12 PM | Egypt recognizes salama (288) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
5/21/2021 11:05:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Zephyr (23) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
5/21/2021 11:05:35 PM | Egypt recognizes Zephyr for his design at Philae 347 -1452, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
5/21/2021 11:05:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Rags for her design at Upper Egypt 669 -2069, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
5/21/2021 11:04:53 PM | Egypt recognizes Ninfa for her design at Red Sea 1820 1966, in the Test of the Windsong. |
5/21/2021 11:04:12 PM | Egypt recognizes LadyKaytay for her design at Blue Nile -258 -7046, FoxKids for his design at Swenett 1457 -905, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
5/21/2021 11:01:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Narkho (32110 points from 64 colors) and Saintcyr (13362 points using 29 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
5/21/2021 11:00:51 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. Keltara (7200) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
5/21/2021 11:00:15 PM | Egypt recognizes Narkho (10 cubits at -1020, -6840) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
5/14/2021 11:18:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Rauul (285), Hakori (284), Genhotep (284), Sabina (284), Aardyn (284) and JellyDonut (284) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
5/14/2021 11:05:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Taylor (9604), Lora (6331), Embia (5459) and Fun (3895) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
5/14/2021 11:05:31 PM | Egypt recognizes FoxKids for his design at Swenett 1468 -884, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
5/14/2021 11:05:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Etma for her design at East Sinai 4170 6761, Maata for her design at Naqada 2231 2164, in the Test of Flight. |
5/14/2021 11:04:51 PM | Egypt recognizes Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4366 6701, in the Test of the Windsong. |
5/14/2021 11:04:43 PM | Egypt recognizes FoxKids for his design at Swenett 1473 -884, in the Test of the Bijou. |
5/14/2021 11:00:54 PM | Egypt recognizes Zephyr (90548 points from 182 colors) and Odis (67342 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
5/14/2021 11:00:43 PM | Egypt recognizes Narkho (50000) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
5/14/2021 11:00:31 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Maata (12000) for the best: Lobby. Maata (12000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Maata (12000) for the best: Meditation Platform. Maata (12000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Maata (12000) for the best: Reading Terrace. Maata (12000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Maata (12000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
5/14/2021 11:00:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Zephyr (163) and Narkho (270) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
5/14/2021 11:00:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Elamano (8 cubits at 4065, 6648) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
5/7/2021 11:06:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Kyline (15636), Jakaro (12152), Shiva (10067) and Phinter (9738) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
5/7/2021 11:05:43 PM | Egypt recognizes Murtha for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1123 7001, in the Test of the Windsong. |
5/7/2021 11:05:35 PM | Egypt recognizes FoxKids for his design at Upper Egypt 948 -1768, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. |
5/7/2021 11:02:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Etma for passing the Test of the Plantation. Retaining 17 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Etma and Aaltje was reported. Retaining 38 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
5/7/2021 11:01:50 PM | Egypt recognizes merek (14932 points from 39 colors) and Girdan (13732 points using 32 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
5/7/2021 11:01:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Zephyr (3500) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
5/7/2021 11:01:27 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Aaltje (12000) for the best: Lobby. Aaltje (12000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Aaltje (12000) for the best: Meditation Platform. Aaltje (12000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Aaltje (12000) for the best: Reading Terrace. Aaltje (12000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Aaltje (12000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
5/7/2021 11:01:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Jackal (12 cubits at 3207, -857) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
4/30/2021 11:18:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Vivicks (280) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 2 advances. |
4/30/2021 11:05:40 PM | Egypt recognizes oblifeer (41288), tehm (16824), Bessieloo (16680) and Taldam (15674) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
4/30/2021 11:05:31 PM | Egypt recognizes Tabitha for her design at Upper Egypt 820 -1975, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
4/30/2021 11:01:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Nefreten and Ahkten for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Etma for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Retaining 11 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Nefreten, Aaltje and Ahkten was reported. Retaining 33 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
4/30/2021 11:01:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Khastet (16565 points from 43 colors) and Binny (15461 points using 35 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
4/30/2021 11:01:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Ahkten (5050) and Elamano (550) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
4/30/2021 11:00:53 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: KayII (800) for the best: Lobby. KayII (800) For the best: Contemplation Basin. KayII (1200) for the best: Meditation Platform. KayII (1200) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. KayII (800) for the best: Reading Terrace. KayII (1200) for the best: Professor's Retreat. KayII (1600) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
4/30/2021 11:00:28 PM | Egypt recognizes Phanny (7 cubits at 4221, 6656) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
4/23/2021 11:17:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Nunu (294) and Annika (294) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
4/23/2021 11:01:10 PM | Egypt recognizes Nebamon (19358 points from 44 colors) and Fryoj (18789 points using 62 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
4/23/2021 11:00:57 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
4/23/2021 11:00:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Beren (8 cubits at -1479, 4548) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
4/16/2021 11:18:22 PM | Egypt recognizes JinHai (294) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
4/16/2021 11:05:54 PM | Egypt recognizes Beren (14) and Lyo (14) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
4/16/2021 11:04:33 PM | Egypt recognizes ysabeau for her design at Meshwesh Delta 996 6816, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
4/16/2021 11:01:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Styx, Sahira, Tarik, Keltara, Lazybum, Sadvak, SirNommQC and suma for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes KayGee, ReddRuby, Buck, Subira, Kelistra, Eridice, FoxKids, Al-Bilal, Pixels, Rosenfeuer, Rhaom, Sitamun, Ahkten, Levi, Electra, Infra, ChiliPepper, Oaxani, blondie, Rey, Qwu, Pindar, Serefina, Lizzi, Hands, ysabeau, Fee, Kavad, Telanoc, Nissim, Nefreten, Krysalyss, Vixsin, Ninfa, Dawner, Hiakun, Etma, Jyin, Aaltje, Zowee, Foxie, nikara and Brucette for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Aaltje was reported. Retaining 23 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
4/16/2021 11:01:28 PM | Egypt recognizes Beren (26607 points from 50 colors) and Benisotous (19996 points using 53 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
4/16/2021 11:01:15 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
4/16/2021 11:00:59 PM | Egypt recognizes Beren (3500) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
4/16/2021 11:00:40 PM | Egypt recognizes Heterika (7 cubits at 1576, 2302) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
4/9/2021 11:18:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Muglai (325) and Tazendra (312) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
4/9/2021 11:01:10 PM | Egypt recognizes phoenixwcu (21812 points from 55 colors) and Jackal (21785 points using 73 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
4/9/2021 11:00:56 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. Talion (1224) and Shuyya (624) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Brucette (12000) for the best: Reading Terrace. Brucette (12000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Brucette (12000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
4/9/2021 11:00:42 PM | Egypt recognizes Anikha (5000) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
4/9/2021 11:00:21 PM | Egypt recognizes blondie (7 cubits at 1988, 2097) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
4/2/2021 11:19:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Akhbeer (330) and Sorafine (330) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
4/2/2021 11:05:49 PM | Egypt recognizes Girdan for his design at Bernike 2914 -912, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
4/2/2021 11:05:26 PM | Egypt recognizes amron for his design at Red Sea 1966 1874, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
4/2/2021 11:02:16 PM | Egypt recognizes Pindar for passing the Test of the Plantation. Retaining 40 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Aaltje and Pindar was reported. Retaining 11 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
4/2/2021 11:02:06 PM | Egypt recognizes Etma (24426 points from 78 colors) and Lewbis (24421 points using 54 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
4/2/2021 11:01:53 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Shuyya (624) for the best: Lobby. Shuyya (624) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Shuyya (624) for the best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. (Too many ties) No winner for best: Reading Terrace. Tabitha (2800) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Tabitha (560) for the best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 1 awards. |
4/2/2021 11:01:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Merit (4500) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
4/2/2021 11:01:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Govelius (7 cubits at 3399, -711) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
3/26/2021 11:18:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Panyea (325), FrightfulDezert (325), Tamarack (325), Nekbeer (325), Rosenfeuer (325), Shemei (325), Parmore (325), Nissim (325) and Ay (320) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
3/26/2021 11:05:41 PM | Egypt recognizes Tabitha for her design at Upper Egypt 655 -1635, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
3/26/2021 11:05:35 PM | Egypt recognizes Tabitha for her design at Upper Egypt 831 -1930, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. |
3/26/2021 11:05:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Tabitha for her design at Upper Egypt 638 -1583, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
3/26/2021 11:04:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Kay for her design at Upper Egypt 797 -1929, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
3/26/2021 11:01:34 PM | Egypt recognizes TimberNZ (25579 points from 64 colors) and Erikem (24908 points using 66 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
3/26/2021 11:01:20 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. Tabitha (1152) for the best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
3/26/2021 11:01:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Tarkus (17250) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
3/26/2021 11:00:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Etma (8 cubits at 4076, 6653) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
3/19/2021 11:18:10 PM | Egypt recognizes Erikem (378) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 7 advances. |
3/19/2021 11:05:41 PM | Egypt recognizes godnomis (12121), LukeM (25), Tarkus (25) and Zotep (22) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
3/19/2021 11:05:32 PM | Egypt recognizes Oaxani for her design at Meshwesh Delta 995 6805, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
3/19/2021 11:01:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Sitamun (45883 points from 103 colors) and lilac (29533 points using 71 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
3/19/2021 11:01:06 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Tabitha (400) for the best: Lobby. Tabitha (1056) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Tabitha (600) for the best: Meditation Platform. Tabitha (800) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. Oaxani (4800) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Oaxani (4800) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
3/19/2021 11:00:30 PM | Egypt recognizes FoxKids (9 cubits at 1453, -919) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
3/12/2021 11:02:40 PM | Pharaoh recognizes the Throne Plinth at egypt 738 -1715 (350). Egypt recognizes ChiliPepper, Sitamun, Tabitha and Pindar for passing the Throne of Pharaoh. Egypt recognizes ella and FoxInABox for progressing in Throne of Pharaoh. |
3/12/2021 11:02:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Rhaom for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Styx for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Retaining 20 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Rhaom and Aaltje was reported. Retaining 46 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
3/12/2021 11:01:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Talion (30372 points from 56 colors) and Shuyya (30061 points using 56 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
3/12/2021 11:01:42 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. Oaxani (600) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Oaxani (4800) for the best: Meditation Platform. Oaxani (4800) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Oaxani (4800) for the best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
3/12/2021 11:01:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Sitamun (5900) and Lyo (1900) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
3/12/2021 11:01:16 PM | Egypt recognizes Sitamun (441), Adrian (543) and Tabitha (906) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
3/12/2021 11:01:04 PM | Egypt recognizes Shuyya (12 cubits at -430, -7133) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
3/5/2021 11:04:44 PM | Egypt recognizes SilentStorm for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1466 7145, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
3/5/2021 11:03:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Basmati for her design at Meshwesh Delta 929 6814, in the Venery. |
3/5/2021 11:01:18 PM | Pharaoh recognizes the Throne Plinth at egypt 738 -1715 (343). Egypt recognizes KayII for passing the Throne of Pharaoh. Egypt recognizes ChiliPepper, Sitamun, Tabitha, ella and Pindar for progressing in Throne of Pharaoh. |
3/5/2021 11:01:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Sitamun for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Rhaom for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Retaining 15 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Aaltje, Tabitha, Infra and Sitamun was reported. Retaining 41 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
3/5/2021 11:00:55 PM | Egypt recognizes Trecares (35124 points from 101 colors) and Aten (31416 points using 76 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
3/5/2021 11:00:32 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
3/5/2021 11:00:17 PM | Egypt recognizes sake (273) and Silvina (497) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
3/5/2021 11:00:06 PM | Egypt recognizes Talion (11 cubits at -430, -7144) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
2/26/2021 11:18:11 PM | Egypt recognizes Sapphire (306) and Shawnganne (306) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 2 advances. |
2/26/2021 11:05:39 PM | Egypt recognizes MissBarbara (208) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
2/26/2021 11:04:58 PM | Egypt recognizes SilentStorm for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1474 7131, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
2/26/2021 11:01:41 PM | Pharaoh recognizes the Throne Plinth at egypt 738 -1715 (343). Egypt recognizes Oaxani for passing the Throne of Pharaoh. Egypt recognizes ChiliPepper, KayII, Sitamun, Tabitha and Pindar for progressing in Throne of Pharaoh. |
2/26/2021 11:01:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Armatus (38297 points from 117 colors) and MissBarbara (37168 points using 117 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
2/26/2021 11:00:58 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Oaxani (600) for the best: Lobby. Talion (960) For the best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
2/26/2021 11:00:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Mariamom (1708) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
2/26/2021 11:00:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Ninfa (12 cubits at 1717, 2067) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
2/19/2021 11:05:40 PM | Egypt recognizes KayII (1282), Tabitha (1262) and Sitamun (605) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
2/19/2021 11:05:25 PM | Egypt recognizes Solaris for his design at Red Sea 1978 1874, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
2/19/2021 11:05:02 PM | Egypt recognizes ysabeau for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1430 7153, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
2/19/2021 11:01:32 PM | Egypt recognizes ChiliPepper and Tabitha for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Sitamun for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Retaining 5 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by ChiliPepper, Tabitha, Infra and Aaltje was reported. Retaining 35 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
2/19/2021 11:01:20 PM | Egypt recognizes ChiliPepper (75255 points from 160 colors) and Khufu (40199 points using 63 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
2/19/2021 11:01:10 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Talion (2880) for the best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
2/19/2021 11:00:54 PM | Egypt recognizes MissBarbara (38250) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
2/19/2021 11:00:32 PM | Egypt recognizes Nissim (13 cubits at 3271, -694) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
2/12/2021 11:18:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Subira (354), Sonnenfeuer (300), tehm (300), Fryoj (300), Kyrrah (300), Augirsminion (300), Infra (300), Elamano (300) and Saber (300) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
2/12/2021 11:05:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Shuyya (303) and Talion (303) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
2/12/2021 11:05:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Artinum for his design at Upper Egypt 726 -1800, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
2/12/2021 11:01:45 PM | Egypt recognizes blondie, Rey, Ninfa and Electra for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes ChiliPepper and Tabitha for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Retaining 1 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Rey, Ninfa, Aaltje, Tabitha, ChiliPepper, blondie and Electra was reported. Retaining 32 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
2/12/2021 11:01:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Tabitha (70850 points from 141 colors) and KayII (70808 points using 141 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
2/12/2021 11:01:22 PM | Egypt recognizes KayII (3600) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
2/12/2021 11:01:11 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. Talion (2880) for the best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. Keltara (600) for the best: Reading Terrace. FoxKids (2901) for the best: Professor's Retreat. FoxKids (12000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
2/12/2021 11:00:54 PM | Egypt recognizes Fairy (658) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
2/12/2021 11:00:44 PM | Egypt recognizes nikara (9 cubits at 3173, -702) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
2/5/2021 11:18:01 PM | Egypt recognizes PasThaMair (354) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 7 advances. |
2/5/2021 11:04:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Odis for his design at Meshwesh Delta 944 6791, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
2/5/2021 11:04:11 PM | Egypt recognizes Rey for his design at Red Sea 1807 1938, suma for her design at Red Sea 1800 1940, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
2/5/2021 11:01:30 PM | Egypt recognizes ysabeau for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Rey, Qwu, Pindar, ReddRuby, Buck, ChiliPepper, Tabitha, Infra, dedenav, Nissim, Nefreten, Krysalyss, Vixsin, Ninfa, Dawner, Hiakun, Jyin, Aaltje, Tarik, Electra, SirNommQC, suma, Kavad, Telanoc, Serefina, Lizzi, Subira, Kelistra, Eridice, FoxKids, Al-Bilal, Pixels, Hands, Sadvak, Fee, Ahkten, Levi, Keltara, blondie, Lazybum, Rosenfeuer, KayGee, Styx, Sahira, Zowee, Foxie, nikara and Brucette for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Aaltje was reported. Retaining 32 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
2/5/2021 11:01:15 PM | Egypt recognizes Qefedenou (41082 points from 97 colors) and Nitocris (40510 points using 101 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
2/5/2021 11:01:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Ronai (35350), Cassen (19000), Talion (18200), Shuyya (6800) and Tabitha (1450) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include KayII (1100). |
2/5/2021 11:00:49 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. FoxKids (600) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. FoxKids (4800) for the best: Reading Terrace. Keltara (600) for the best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
2/5/2021 11:00:35 PM | Egypt recognizes KayII (197) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
2/5/2021 11:00:25 PM | Egypt recognizes Sadvak (8 cubits at -174, 7375) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
1/29/2021 11:05:41 PM | Egypt recognizes Kay for her design at Red Sea 1978 1871, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
1/29/2021 11:05:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Odis for his design at Meshwesh Delta 941 6790, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. |
1/29/2021 11:04:46 PM | Egypt recognizes Sadvak for his design at Meshwesh Delta 992 6817, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
1/29/2021 11:01:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Aisha for passing the Test of the Plantation. Retaining 45 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Aaltje, Infra and Serefina was reported. Retaining 26 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
1/29/2021 11:01:28 PM | Egypt recognizes Sapphire (85463 points from 181 colors) and Aisha (83985 points using 175 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
1/29/2021 11:01:15 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. Solaris (720) for the best: Meditation Platform. Solaris (720) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Solaris (720) for the best: Reading Terrace. Solaris (720) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Solaris (1800) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
1/29/2021 11:00:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Zotep (10500) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
1/29/2021 11:00:38 PM | Egypt recognizes dedenav (10 cubits at 3215, -717) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
1/22/2021 11:05:01 PM | Egypt recognizes ysabeau for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1417 7176, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
1/22/2021 11:01:09 PM | Egypt recognizes ysabeau (44661 points from 89 colors) and firegolem (41745 points using 125 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
1/22/2021 11:00:56 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Solaris (1440) for the best: Lobby. Solaris (3600) For the best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. Bryce (9000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Bryce (8000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
1/22/2021 11:00:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare (7 cubits at 2294, 2407) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
1/15/2021 11:02:00 PM | Egypt recognizes Rosenfeuer (54992 points from 114 colors) and Heimdall (54370 points using 140 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
1/15/2021 11:01:46 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: FoxKids (75) for the best: Lobby. FoxKids (160) For the best: Contemplation Basin. FoxKids (320) for the best: Meditation Platform. Bryce (6992) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Bryce (7000) for the best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
1/15/2021 11:01:31 PM | Egypt recognizes Spazomatic (500) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
1/15/2021 11:01:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Aisha (41) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
1/15/2021 11:01:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Dawner (8 cubits at 2035, 2386) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
1/8/2021 11:18:25 PM | Egypt recognizes KmanLeaf (296) and LittleRags (288) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
1/8/2021 11:05:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Levi (1445), Foxie (1445) and Lewbis (572) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
1/8/2021 11:01:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Kyrrah (56711 points from 125 colors) and Saber (56689 points using 125 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
1/8/2021 11:01:21 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. Keltara (7200) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
1/8/2021 11:00:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Keltara (10 cubits at -1463, -1474) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
1/1/2021 11:18:04 PM | Egypt recognizes serur (324) and Jushar (308) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
1/1/2021 11:05:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Abayomi (5233), Kaylee (1918), FoxKids (1728) and Ziani (1648) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
1/1/2021 11:02:10 PM | Pharaoh recognizes the Throne Plinth at egypt 1141 7035 (350). Egypt recognizes Nissa, Zowee, Infra, KayGee and Spatulus for passing the Throne of Pharaoh. Egypt recognizes Oaxani for progressing in Throne of Pharaoh. |
1/1/2021 11:01:14 PM | Egypt recognizes CinAmm (56975 points from 130 colors) and SilentStorm (56855 points using 105 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
1/1/2021 11:01:02 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Bryce (7200) for the best: Lobby. Bryce (9800) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Bryce (3600) for the best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
1/1/2021 11:00:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Bryce (9 cubits at 2102, 1639) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
12/25/2020 11:18:17 PM | Egypt recognizes ella (318) and Lunaruss (315) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
12/25/2020 11:05:24 PM | Egypt recognizes EdDaba (6454), OneBanana (5809), Seanganne (5797) and Hiakun (5460) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
12/25/2020 11:05:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Bryce for his design at Red Sea 1978 1883, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
12/25/2020 11:00:58 PM | Egypt recognizes nochadlee (57916 points from 173 colors) and Engelchen (57916 points using 173 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
12/25/2020 11:00:44 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
12/25/2020 11:00:28 PM | Egypt recognizes Echogus (2500) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
12/25/2020 11:00:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Odis (436) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
12/25/2020 11:00:06 PM | Egypt recognizes Odis (9 cubits at 793, 7157) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
12/18/2020 11:18:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Skara (330) and Pindar (312) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
12/18/2020 11:06:06 PM | Egypt recognizes Savarin (6721), Luckylisa (6671), Anikha (6544) and AlienaVale (6503) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
12/18/2020 11:01:59 PM | Egypt recognizes Kelistra, Infra and Foxie for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes ysabeau for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Retaining 6 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Aaltje, Kelistra, Infra, Serefina and Foxie was reported. Retaining 3 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
12/18/2020 11:01:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Govelius (58899 points from 180 colors) and Bastia (58429 points using 150 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
12/18/2020 11:01:32 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Malard (55) for the best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
12/18/2020 11:01:16 PM | Egypt recognizes Foxie (43650), Odis (25450) and Mysha (18950) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
12/18/2020 11:01:06 PM | Egypt recognizes Foxie (301) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
12/18/2020 11:00:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Artinum (23 cubits at 88, -1696) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
12/11/2020 11:18:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Anikha (351) and Khufuaer (330) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
12/11/2020 11:05:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Skara (6873), Khufuaer (6870), KrystalRose (6867) and Rilla (6722) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
12/11/2020 11:02:39 PM | Pharaoh recognizes the Throne Plinth at egypt 2300 2024 (392). Egypt recognizes Brucette, Electra, Ninfa, Bryce, Maata, Mariamom and Stoiss for passing the Throne of Pharaoh. |
12/11/2020 11:01:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Serefina for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Kelistra, ysabeau, Infra and Foxie for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Retaining 3 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Aaltje, Kelistra, Infra, Serefina, ysabeau and Foxie was reported. Retaining 1 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
12/11/2020 11:01:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Aaltje (83169 points from 171 colors) and Oaxani (63933 points using 112 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
12/11/2020 11:01:07 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Kelistra (210) for the best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. ReddRuby (12000) for the best: Reading Terrace. ReddRuby (12000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. ReddRuby (12000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
12/11/2020 11:00:28 PM | Egypt recognizes Lizzi (20 cubits at 3420, -805) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
12/4/2020 11:18:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Anastasya (300), Kaylee (300), Maata (300), Anefeli (300) and Jakaro (300) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
12/4/2020 11:06:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Dreasimy (7000), Kismet (6991), CinAmm (6944) and JinHai (6876) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
12/4/2020 11:05:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Styx for his design at Red Sea 1814 1983, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
12/4/2020 11:05:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Basmati for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1389 7090, in the Test of Flight. |
12/4/2020 11:04:35 PM | Egypt recognizes Telanoc for his design at Naqada 2305 2334, in the Venery. |
12/4/2020 11:01:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Artinum for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Serefina, Infra, Kelistra, Lazybum and Foxie for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Retaining 1 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Artinum, Serefina, Aaltje, Infra, Kelistra, Lazybum and Foxie was reported. |
12/4/2020 11:01:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Helferlein (60920 points from 133 colors) and Honey (60581 points using 128 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
12/4/2020 11:01:35 PM | Egypt recognizes nikara (25500) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
12/4/2020 11:01:26 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Keltara (720) for the best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. Artinum (4800) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. Artinum (4800) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Kay (9600) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
12/4/2020 11:01:01 PM | Egypt recognizes cate (21 cubits at 2324, 1509) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
11/27/2020 11:18:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Myn (400) and ysabeau (312) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 3 advances. |
11/27/2020 11:05:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Eridice (7812), Muhel (7542), Kay (7533) and Freeportkid (7293) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
11/27/2020 11:05:34 PM | Egypt recognizes ysabeau for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1412 7135, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
11/27/2020 11:05:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Nekheph for her design at Upper Egypt 841 -2174, Telanoc for his design at Red Sea 2440 1969, in the Test of Flight. |
11/27/2020 11:01:29 PM | Egypt recognizes CinAmm, Aaltje, Levi, KayII and Buck for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Artinum and Serefina for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by CinAmm, Aaltje, Levi, Infra, Buck, KayII, Artinum and Serefina was reported. |
11/27/2020 11:01:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Pindar (72576 points from 124 colors) and ella (71301 points using 123 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
11/27/2020 11:01:06 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Kay (2434) for the best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. Artinum (5760) for the best: Meditation Platform. Kay (4788) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Kay (4320) for the best: Reading Terrace. Kay (9600) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Artinum (5760) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
11/27/2020 11:00:51 PM | Egypt recognizes Chitling (39600) and Neverdie (8850) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
11/27/2020 11:00:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Rhaom (22 cubits at 3388, -929) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
11/20/2020 11:18:18 PM | Egypt recognizes suma (303) and Myna (294) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 3 advances. |
11/20/2020 11:05:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Sylvermoon (8267), Miksha (8177), AppleFritter (8098) and Phanny (7812) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
11/20/2020 11:05:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Electra for her design at Red Sea 1705 1994, dedenav for his design at Bernike 3194 -762, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Nekheph for her design at egypt 841 -2174. |
11/20/2020 11:05:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Myn for his design at South Sinai 3536 5037, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
11/20/2020 11:02:31 PM | Pharaoh recognizes the Throne Plinth at egypt 2300 2024 (398). Egypt recognizes Ruby, cate, Mandrake, Robare, Solaris, Subira and Telanoc for passing the Throne of Pharaoh. |
11/20/2020 11:01:41 PM | Egypt recognizes FoxKids for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes KayII, Aaltje, Levi, Buck, CinAmm and Artinum for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by CinAmm, FoxKids, KayII, Artinum, Aaltje and Buck was reported. Retaining 1 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
11/20/2020 11:01:30 PM | Egypt recognizes FoxKids (97696 points from 182 colors) and Levi (74702 points using 181 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
11/20/2020 11:01:17 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Artinum (5832) for the best: Lobby. Artinum (5760) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Keltara (7200) for the best: Meditation Platform. ReddRuby (12000) and Brucette (12000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Artinum (4800) for the best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. Kavad (12000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
11/20/2020 11:01:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Alphabob (12500) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
11/20/2020 11:00:40 PM | Egypt recognizes Mandrake (24 cubits at 2348, 2543) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
11/13/2020 11:18:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Nekheph (338) and Nissa (288) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 3 advances. |
11/13/2020 11:05:26 PM | Egypt recognizes Ay (10480), Electra (9409), Oruse (9373) and suma (9320) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
11/13/2020 11:04:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Myna for her design at South Sinai 3540 5038, Myn for his design at South Sinai 3548 5038, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
11/13/2020 11:04:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Krysalyss for her design at Meshwesh Delta 985 6798, Telanoc for his design at Naqada 2312 2318, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
11/13/2020 11:02:09 PM | Pharaoh recognizes the Throne Plinth at egypt 955 -1777 (525). Egypt recognizes Foxie, Jyin, Kay, Buck, FoxKids and Levi for passing the Throne of Pharaoh. Egypt recognizes KayII for progressing in Throne of Pharaoh. |
11/13/2020 11:01:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Subira, Bryce and Kay for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes CinAmm, FoxKids, Aaltje and Buck for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Aaltje, Kay, Buck, CinAmm, KayII, ysabeau and Subira was reported. |
11/13/2020 11:01:08 PM | Egypt recognizes tehm (67399 points from 144 colors) and Subira (63920 points using 122 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
11/13/2020 11:00:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Khastet (36250), Malard (10), Stekki (0), JaxWild (0) and cavaliertool (0) for passing the Balance of Goods. |
11/13/2020 11:00:46 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: ReddRuby (12000) for the best: Lobby. ReddRuby (12000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. ReddRuby (12000) for the best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. (Too many ties) No winner for best: Reading Terrace. suma (24000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. suma (36000) for the best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 1 awards. |
11/13/2020 11:00:31 PM | Egypt recognizes Alphabob (560) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
11/13/2020 11:00:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Telanoc (24 cubits at 2519, 2165) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
11/6/2020 11:05:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Zendaoli (11521), Keltara (11258), Asheara (10710) and LadyKaytay (10705) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
11/6/2020 11:05:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Kaa for his design at Giza 915 6584, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. |
11/6/2020 11:01:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin and Nissim for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Kay, Bryce, Subira, FoxKids, KayII and Levi for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Kay, Nissim, Subira, FoxKids, Artinum, KayII and Levi was reported. |
11/6/2020 11:01:19 PM | Egypt recognizes amonnakht (69728 points from 173 colors) and Rags (69007 points using 129 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
11/6/2020 11:01:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Zaark (169), TanaraKuranov (137), Anka (97), Farnite (91) and haraelendil (11) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Malard (10), Stekki (0), cavaliertool (0) and JaxWild (0). |
11/6/2020 11:00:50 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Rilla (7200), Brucette (7200) and Archis (7200) for the best: Lobby. Malard (40) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Kay (1508) for the best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. Rey (36000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Electra (36000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
11/6/2020 11:00:32 PM | Egypt recognizes alaiing (27) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
11/6/2020 11:00:24 PM | Egypt recognizes Telanoc (24 cubits at 0, 0) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
10/30/2020 11:18:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Mehrane (272) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
10/30/2020 11:05:49 PM | Egypt recognizes Dusti (12160), Nehebakau (12156), Muglai (12143) and Helferlein (11659) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
10/30/2020 11:05:39 PM | Egypt recognizes SilentStorm for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1486 7146, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
10/30/2020 11:05:10 PM | Egypt recognizes Bessieloo for her design at Red Sea 2018 1882, blondie for her design at Red Sea 1788 1966, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Kaa for his design at egypt 915 6584. |
10/30/2020 11:04:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad for his design at Meshwesh Delta 991 6804, in the Test of the Bijou. |
10/30/2020 11:04:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Kelistra for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1021 6816, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
10/30/2020 11:01:39 PM | Egypt recognizes nikara for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Bryce, Subira, Jyin, Kay and Nissim for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Retaining 1 progressions in the Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Levi, Nissim, Nefreten, Artinum, Subira, FoxKids and nikara was reported. |
10/30/2020 11:01:28 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis (74359 points from 178 colors) and Artinum (72418 points using 165 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
10/30/2020 11:01:16 PM | Egypt recognizes Myna (50000), boompa (261), Herat (253), crystal (211) and Banafrit (174) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Zaark (169), TanaraKuranov (137), Anka (97), Farnite (91), haraelendil (11), Malard (10), cavaliertool (0), JaxWild (0) and Stekki (0). |
10/30/2020 11:01:01 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. (Too many ties) Kay (48) For the best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. suma (36000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. suma (24000) for the best: Reading Terrace. Electra (36000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Rey (36000) for the best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 2 awards. |
10/30/2020 11:00:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Anikha (37), vissa (47) and Hiakun (105) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
10/30/2020 11:00:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Subira (24 cubits at 1520, 3212) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
10/23/2020 11:18:46 PM | Egypt recognizes Obliff (270), Eugenius (270), Val (270), cate (270) and boompa (270) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
10/23/2020 11:06:02 PM | Egypt recognizes serur (12587), Kahotep (12177), ElZinn (12177) and Coyote (12169) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
10/23/2020 11:05:26 PM | Egypt recognizes oblifeer for his design at Red Sea 1816 2000, Peabody for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1181 6852, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Kaa for his design at egypt 915 6584, Bessieloo for her design at egypt 2018 1882, blondie for her design at egypt 1788 1966. |
10/23/2020 11:05:07 PM | Egypt recognizes Kay for her design at Upper Egypt 820 -1973, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
10/23/2020 11:04:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Bobophet for his design at Red Sea 1841 2083, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
10/23/2020 11:02:00 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu, Lizzi, dedenav and KayGee for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Jyin, Nissim and nikara for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Subira, Levi, Jyin, Nissim, dedenav, Kay and Bryce was reported. |
10/23/2020 11:01:50 PM | Egypt recognizes Nissim (76336 points from 160 colors) and Puffs (74545 points using 180 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
10/23/2020 11:01:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Myn (48950), Ahkten (48950), Dalia (396), Aaltje (380) and udjai (303) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include boompa (261), Herat (253), crystal (211), Banafrit (174), Zaark (169), TanaraKuranov (137), Anka (97), Farnite (91), haraelendil (11) and Malard (10). |
10/23/2020 11:01:26 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. (Too many ties) Keltara (1440) For the best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. Electra (36000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Rey (36000) for the best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 1 awards. |
10/23/2020 11:01:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Flanae (148), Kasiya (154) and SilentStorm (276) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
10/23/2020 11:00:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Hands (24 cubits at 1612, 6918) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
10/16/2020 11:18:31 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad (280) and Phanny (266) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 3 advances. |
10/16/2020 11:06:10 PM | Egypt recognizes Nebamon (14254), cas (13610), Girdan (12976) and Antaris (12587) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
10/16/2020 11:05:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Bailobo for his design at Upper Egypt 833 -1315, Tempos for his design at Upper Egypt 759 -1735, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Bessieloo for her design at egypt 2018 1882, blondie for her design at egypt 1788 1966, Kaa for his design at egypt 915 6584, oblifeer for his design at egypt 1816 2000. |
10/16/2020 11:05:10 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad for his design at Meshwesh Delta 992 6809, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
10/16/2020 11:04:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Electra for her design at Red Sea 1800 1940, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
10/16/2020 11:04:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Hands for her design at Bitter Lakes 1765 6484, in the Venery. |
10/16/2020 11:01:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Vixsin, Kavad, Krysalyss and Zowee for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes Qwu, Lizzi and dedenav for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Vixsin, Bryce, KayII, KayGee, dedenav, Ahkten, Nissim and Zowee was reported. |
10/16/2020 11:01:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Flanae (77430 points from 182 colors) and Benou (77405 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
10/16/2020 11:01:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Lilkhomatic (687), sparkle (621), Sorafine (620), Harrit (465) and akc2 (443) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Dalia (396), Aaltje (380), udjai (303), boompa (261), Herat (253), crystal (211), Banafrit (174), Zaark (169), TanaraKuranov (137) and Anka (97). |
10/16/2020 11:01:22 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Eridice (12000) for the best: Lobby. Rilla (7200) and Nekheph (7200) For the best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. Rey (36000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Electra (36000) for the best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
10/16/2020 11:01:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Nehebakau (183), Coyote (245) and lilac (257) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
10/16/2020 11:00:57 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis (24 cubits at -1850, 4944) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
10/9/2020 11:18:15 PM | Egypt recognizes Krysalyss (323) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 3 advances. |
10/9/2020 11:05:51 PM | Egypt recognizes Nitocris (14832), TimberNZ (14617), amron (13994) and Herat (13967) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
10/9/2020 11:05:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad for his design at Meshwesh Delta 1035 6808, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
10/9/2020 11:05:27 PM | Egypt recognizes suma for her design at Red Sea 1751 1937, blondie for her design at Red Sea 1739 1915, in the Test of Flight. |
10/9/2020 11:05:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels for her design at Naqada 2048 2430, Lucretius for his design at Upper Egypt 948 -1766, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Bailobo for his design at egypt 833 -1315, Tempos for his design at egypt 759 -1735, oblifeer for his design at egypt 1816 2000, Kaa for his design at egypt 915 6584, blondie for her design at egypt 1788 1966, Bessieloo for her design at egypt 2018 1882. |
10/9/2020 11:04:26 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad for his design at Meshwesh Delta 990 6798, Ninfa for her design at Red Sea 1807 1938, in the Test of Empty Hand. Runners up: Electra for her design at egypt 1800 1940. |
10/9/2020 11:01:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Eridice, Hiakun, Telanoc, ReddRuby and Brucette for passing the Test of the Plantation. Egypt recognizes KayGee, Krysalyss, Kavad and Sahira for progressing in Test of the Plantation. Growth in large plantations owned by Nissim, Nefreten, Lazybum, dedenav, Hands, KayII, FoxKids, Kelistra, Levi, Buck and nikara was reported. Retaining 1 seed awards in the Test of the Plantation. |
10/9/2020 11:01:41 PM | Egypt recognizes Sadvak (79672 points from 181 colors) and Basmati (77951 points using 180 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
10/9/2020 11:01:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Chionee (49850), Qefedenou (25450), Kam (862), Kalixta (826) and Jackal (811) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Lilkhomatic (687), sparkle (621), Sorafine (620), Harrit (465), akc2 (443), Dalia (396), Aaltje (380), udjai (303), boompa (261) and Herat (253). |
10/9/2020 11:01:11 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Dawner (26808) for the best: Lobby. suma (36000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. suma (36000) for the best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 1 awards. |
10/9/2020 11:00:55 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad (286), Kalmkitty (288) and FoxKids (610) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
10/9/2020 11:00:42 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee (36 cubits at 3891, 6369) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
10/2/2020 11:06:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Ruby (15426), Saber (15270), Kyrrah (15263) and Lazybum (15258) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
10/2/2020 11:06:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Peabody for her design at Meshwesh Delta 992 6804, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
10/2/2020 11:06:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Ruby for her design at Red Sea 1978 1879, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
10/2/2020 11:05:50 PM | Egypt recognizes Saintcyr for his design at Upper Egypt 728 -1851, nikara for her design at Bernike 2987 -911, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Tempos for his design at egypt 759 -1735, blondie for her design at egypt 1788 1966, Bessieloo for her design at egypt 2018 1882, Lucretius for his design at egypt 948 -1766, Bailobo for his design at egypt 833 -1315, oblifeer for his design at egypt 1816 2000, Pixels for her design at egypt 2048 2430. |
10/2/2020 11:05:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Basmati for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1027 6803, in the Test of the Bijou. |
10/2/2020 11:02:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Estaar (100521 points from 182 colors) and Skara (82711 points using 180 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
10/2/2020 11:01:49 PM | Egypt recognizes Muhel (50000), Donk79 (1132), Ren (1102), atom (1029) and waterbird (1021) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Kam (862), Kalixta (826), Jackal (811), Lilkhomatic (687), sparkle (621), Sorafine (620), Qefedenou (600), Harrit (465), akc2 (443) and Dalia (396). |
10/2/2020 11:01:36 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Vixsin (41760) for the best: Lobby. Electra (36000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Rey (36000) for the best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 1 awards. |
10/2/2020 11:01:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Serath (297), Nebamon (333) and SubDak (370) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
10/2/2020 11:01:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Krysalyss (28 cubits at 1390, 6129) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
9/25/2020 11:18:54 PM | Egypt recognizes Hands (252), Granni (252) and JOKER (246) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
9/25/2020 11:06:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Eugenius (15705), Solaris (15699), Nicole (15499) and Mariamom (15441) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
9/25/2020 11:05:51 PM | Egypt recognizes Solaris for his design at Red Sea 2266 1788, in the Test of Flight. |
9/25/2020 11:05:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Govelius for his design at Bernike 3122 -904, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
9/25/2020 11:05:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Lewbis for his design at Meshwesh Delta 985 6803, Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 943 -1772, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Lucretius for his design at egypt 948 -1766, nikara for her design at egypt 2987 -911, Pixels for her design at egypt 2048 2430, Tempos for his design at egypt 759 -1735, oblifeer for his design at egypt 1816 2000, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, Bailobo for his design at egypt 833 -1315. |
9/25/2020 11:04:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Chionee for her design at East Sinai 4333 6683, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
9/25/2020 11:01:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Myna (100000 points from 182 colors) and Myn (100000 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
9/25/2020 11:01:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Omegaice (2611), Augusta (2414), Kaa (2402), Annamation (1498) and Xirxx (1175) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Donk79 (1132), Ren (1102), atom (1029), waterbird (1021), Kam (862), Kalixta (826), Jackal (811), Lilkhomatic (687), sparkle (621) and Sorafine (620). |
9/25/2020 11:01:19 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: suma (47520) for the best: Lobby. Rey (36000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Electra (36000) for the best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 1 awards. |
9/25/2020 11:01:02 PM | Egypt recognizes KrystalRose (348), Sabina (373) and Muhel (480) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
9/25/2020 11:00:51 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad (31 cubits at 1385, 6131) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
9/18/2020 11:19:04 PM | Egypt recognizes SilentStorm (270) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
9/18/2020 11:06:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Peacefulness (16680), Bobophet (16385), Bryce (16175) and Var-LeTha (15769) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
9/18/2020 11:06:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Kay for her design at Upper Egypt 821 -1972, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
9/18/2020 11:05:57 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad for his design at Suez 1358 6189, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
9/18/2020 11:05:49 PM | Egypt recognizes Modius for his design at Meshwesh Delta 1021 6799, Artinum for his design at Bernike 3049 -913, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Tempos for his design at egypt 759 -1735, Lewbis for his design at egypt 985 6803, Jyin for her design at egypt 943 -1772, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, Lucretius for his design at egypt 948 -1766, nikara for her design at egypt 2987 -911, Pixels for her design at egypt 2048 2430. |
9/18/2020 11:05:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Basmati for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1363 7314, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
9/18/2020 11:05:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 930 -1768, in the Test of the Bijou. |
9/18/2020 11:05:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad for his design at Meshwesh Delta 982 6798, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
9/18/2020 11:01:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Nekheph (92064 points from 182 colors) and Krysalyss (87409 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
9/18/2020 11:01:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Morendo (3530), Tunnen (3309), Freeportkid (3050), Minerva (3038) and Mira (2634) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Omegaice (2611), Augusta (2414), Kaa (2402), Annamation (1498), Xirxx (1175), Donk79 (1132), Ren (1102), atom (1029), waterbird (1021) and Kam (862). |
9/18/2020 11:01:23 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Electra (47520) for the best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. (Too many ties) No winner for best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. Govelius (7200) for the best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 1 awards. |
9/18/2020 11:01:07 PM | Egypt recognizes lucia (490), Myna (1000) and Myn (1026) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
9/18/2020 11:00:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Vixsin (35 cubits at 4099, 6264) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
9/11/2020 11:18:46 PM | Egypt recognizes Zowee (268) and Asheara (266) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
9/11/2020 11:06:13 PM | Egypt recognizes Sadvak (20666), Krysalyss (20026), Kavad (20026) and cate (16777) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
9/11/2020 11:06:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Zendaoli for his design at Kerma -1451 -1460, Basmati for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1027 6805, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
9/11/2020 11:05:54 PM | Egypt recognizes Keltara for her design at Kerma -1447 -1466, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
9/11/2020 11:05:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Pindar for his design at Red Sea 1715 1721, in the Test of Flight. |
9/11/2020 11:05:31 PM | Egypt recognizes ysabeau for her design at Meshwesh Delta 982 6806, Krysalyss for her design at Meshwesh Delta 982 6809, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 943 -1772, nikara for her design at egypt 2987 -911, Artinum for his design at egypt 3049 -913, Lewbis for his design at egypt 985 6803, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799. |
9/11/2020 11:05:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Peabody for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1158 6826, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
9/11/2020 11:05:13 PM | Egypt recognizes Avenar for his design at Upper Egypt 808 -1930, Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 930 -1769, in the Test of the Bijou. |
9/11/2020 11:05:04 PM | Egypt recognizes Orchid for her design at Red Sea 2037 2019, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
9/11/2020 11:01:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Electra (93206 points from 171 colors) and suma (90455 points using 165 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
9/11/2020 11:01:35 PM | Egypt recognizes Pindar (22201), Youn (4440), Granni (4312), Haiden (4303) and Tamarack (3722) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Morendo (3530), Tunnen (3309), Freeportkid (3050), Minerva (3038), Mira (2634), Omegaice (2611), Augusta (2414), Kaa (2402), Annamation (1498) and Xirxx (1175). |
9/11/2020 11:01:20 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Rey (47520) for the best: Lobby. Tortellini (12000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Zowee (12000) for the best: Meditation Platform. No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. Kelistra (9760) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
9/11/2020 11:01:06 PM | Egypt recognizes Rauul (382), Dezzi (408) and Gabrielnight (808) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
9/11/2020 11:00:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Zowee (37 cubits at 4210, 6654) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
9/4/2020 11:19:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Bryce (266) and Keltara (260) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
9/4/2020 11:06:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Leniana (21733), Annika (21472), Nunu (20809) and Kelistra (20778) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
9/4/2020 11:06:11 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 930 -1771, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
9/4/2020 11:05:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Artinum for his design at Upper Egypt 666 -1828, in the Test of Flight. |
9/4/2020 11:05:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Artinum for his design at Upper Egypt 732 -1800, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
9/4/2020 11:05:38 PM | Egypt recognizes JinHai for his design at Kerma -1463 -1480, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Lewbis for his design at egypt 985 6803, nikara for her design at egypt 2987 -911, Jyin for her design at egypt 943 -1772, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799, Artinum for his design at egypt 3049 -913, ysabeau for her design at egypt 982 6806, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851. |
9/4/2020 11:05:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 828 -1734, Electra for her design at Red Sea 1813 1961, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Avenar for his design at egypt 808 -1930, Jyin for her design at egypt 930 -1769. |
9/4/2020 11:05:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Artinum for his design at Bernike 3043 -974, Electra for her design at Red Sea 1819 1946, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
9/4/2020 11:01:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Ninfa (91752 points from 182 colors) and Rey (90795 points using 177 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
9/4/2020 11:01:31 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: blondie (58580) for the best: Lobby. Vixsin (12000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Govelius (14400) for the best: Meditation Platform. Govelius (7152) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. No winner for best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. Ninfa (58580) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
9/4/2020 11:01:03 PM | Egypt recognizes ysabeau (20206), Hobart (5238), Shemei (5193), ella (4994) and vissa (4690) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Youn (4440), Granni (4312), Haiden (4303), Tamarack (3722), Morendo (3530), Tunnen (3309), Pindar (3201), Freeportkid (3050), Minerva (3038) and Mira (2634). |
9/4/2020 11:00:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Kismet (420), Benisotous (420) and cathy (470) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
9/4/2020 11:00:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Tammie (38 cubits at 790, 7157) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
8/28/2020 11:18:53 PM | Egypt recognizes dedenav (266), Jaby (266), Ruby (266) and Peacefulness (259) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
8/28/2020 11:06:11 PM | Egypt recognizes Zowee (25393), Etma (25365), Nuit (25070) and Govelius (17006) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
8/28/2020 11:06:02 PM | Egypt recognizes blondie for her design at Red Sea 1820 1957, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
8/28/2020 11:05:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4371 6702, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
8/28/2020 11:05:46 PM | Egypt recognizes Styx for his design at Naqada 1986 2409, Safira for her design at Asyut 1537 2513, in the Test of Flight. |
8/28/2020 11:05:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4431 6693, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
8/28/2020 11:05:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Kelistra for her design at Meshwesh Delta 985 6806, Kavad for his design at Meshwesh Delta 982 6803, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 943 -1772, Lewbis for his design at egypt 985 6803, ysabeau for her design at egypt 982 6806, Artinum for his design at egypt 3049 -913, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, nikara for her design at egypt 2987 -911, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799. |
8/28/2020 11:05:18 PM | Egypt recognizes Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4433 6693, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
8/28/2020 11:05:11 PM | Egypt recognizes blondie for her design at Red Sea 1816 1968, suma for her design at Red Sea 1811 1963, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Avenar for his design at egypt 808 -1930, Electra for her design at egypt 1813 1961. |
8/28/2020 11:05:02 PM | Egypt recognizes suma for her design at Red Sea 1813 1933, blondie for her design at Red Sea 1819 1971, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: Artinum for his design at egypt 3043 -974, Electra for her design at egypt 1819 1946. |
8/28/2020 11:01:45 PM | Egypt recognizes blondie (90942 points from 182 colors) and Zendaoli (82854 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
8/28/2020 11:01:34 PM | Egypt recognizes serur (50000), Genhotep (6342), Cavalierfool (5835), Ashen (5817) and Laf (5281) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Hobart (5238), Shemei (5193), ella (4994), vissa (4690), Youn (4440), Granni (4312), Haiden (4303), Tamarack (3722), Morendo (3530) and Tunnen (3309). |
8/28/2020 11:01:22 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Zowee (36768) for the best: Lobby. Govelius (14400) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Miksha (24000) for the best: Meditation Platform. Zowee (12000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Vixsin (17200) for the best: Reading Terrace. Tortellini (17200) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Telanoc (47520) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
8/28/2020 11:01:07 PM | Egypt recognizes Laf (500), Cegaiel (514) and ysabeau (631) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
8/28/2020 11:00:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin (39 cubits at 928, -1775) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
8/21/2020 11:19:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Savarin (296), Dreasimy (288) and Hannelore (280) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 2 advances. |
8/21/2020 11:06:23 PM | Egypt recognizes Peabody (26847), Oaxani (26483), Hands (26021) and BalourHotho (24891) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
8/21/2020 11:06:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Dusti for her design at Red Sea 1815 1974, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
8/21/2020 11:05:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Kay for her design at Philae 387 -1423, Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4456 6768, in the Test of Flight. |
8/21/2020 11:05:43 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels for her design at Red Sea 1817 1981, Skara for her design at Kerma -1452 -1493, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Kelistra for her design at egypt 985 6806, ysabeau for her design at egypt 982 6806, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, Lewbis for his design at egypt 985 6803, Kavad for his design at egypt 982 6803, Artinum for his design at egypt 3049 -913, Jyin for her design at egypt 943 -1772. |
8/21/2020 11:05:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Dawner for her design at Naqada 2100 2300, Styx for his design at Naqada 2085 2300, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
8/21/2020 11:05:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Brucette for her design at Red Sea 2033 2017, Ziani for her design at Upper Egypt 726 -1735, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Avenar for his design at egypt 808 -1930. |
8/21/2020 11:05:12 PM | Egypt recognizes suma for her design at Red Sea 1822 1963, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
8/21/2020 11:05:04 PM | Egypt recognizes Sylvermoon for her design at East Sinai 4350 6673, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
8/21/2020 11:04:57 PM | Egypt recognizes Tempos for his design at Upper Egypt 758 -1625, Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4333 6683, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
8/21/2020 11:04:50 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4371 6711, in the Venery. |
8/21/2020 11:01:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Hands (91456 points from 177 colors) and Rilla (83589 points using 181 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
8/21/2020 11:01:46 PM | Egypt recognizes SilentStorm (10910), Hakori (9501), Helferlein (9389), Fun (7736) and Safira (6350) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Genhotep (6342), Cavalierfool (5835), Ashen (5817), Laf (5281), Hobart (5238), Shemei (5193), ella (4994), vissa (4690), Youn (4440) and Granni (4312). |
8/21/2020 11:01:30 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Ninfa (24000) for the best: Lobby. blondie (24000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Tortellini (20400) for the best: Meditation Platform. Ninfa (36000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. blondie (36000) for the best: Reading Terrace. Ninfa (36000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. blondie (36000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
8/21/2020 11:01:15 PM | Egypt recognizes Gumby (542), Ay (595) and Khufuaer (610) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
8/21/2020 11:01:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal (44 cubits at 1819, 2214) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
8/14/2020 11:06:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Tress (19491), Subira (19283), RunnerBean (18947) and Estaar (18624) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
8/14/2020 11:06:01 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee for her design at East Sinai 3910 6510, in the Test of Flight. |
8/14/2020 11:05:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Rauul for his design at Swenett 852 -1176, Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1364 4862, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Artinum for his design at egypt 3049 -913, Kelistra for her design at egypt 985 6806, Jyin for her design at egypt 943 -1772, Kavad for his design at egypt 982 6803, ysabeau for her design at egypt 982 6806, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, Lewbis for his design at egypt 985 6803. |
8/14/2020 11:05:35 PM | Egypt recognizes Telanoc for his design at Naqada 2285 2169, nikara for her design at Bernike 3148 -701, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Dawner for her design at egypt 2100 2300, Styx for his design at egypt 2085 2300. |
8/14/2020 11:05:26 PM | Egypt recognizes JinHai for his design at Kerma -1458 -1461, Kismet for her design at Kerma -1458 -1469, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Avenar for his design at egypt 808 -1930, Brucette for her design at egypt 2033 2017. |
8/14/2020 11:05:16 PM | Egypt recognizes Sylvermoon for her design at East Sinai 4361 6702, Telanoc for his design at Red Sea 2037 2018, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. Runners up: suma for her design at egypt 1822 1963. |
8/14/2020 11:05:00 PM | Egypt recognizes Sahira for her design at East Sinai 4342 6675, Sylvermoon for her design at East Sinai 4333 6683, in the Test of Empty Hand. Runners up: Tempos for his design at egypt 758 -1625. |
8/14/2020 11:01:50 PM | Egypt recognizes Kay (102219 points from 165 colors) and Tammie (83750 points using 181 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
8/14/2020 11:01:39 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Miksha (16200) for the best: Lobby. Miksha (16200) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Ninfa (36000) for the best: Meditation Platform. blondie (36000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Ninfa (36000) for the best: Reading Terrace. blondie (36000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Tortellini (12048) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
8/14/2020 11:01:24 PM | Egypt recognizes Hiakun (48000), Styx (17261), Abbi (11935), Kalmkitty (11595) and Panyea (11225) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Hakori (9501), Helferlein (9389), SilentStorm (8660), Fun (7736), Safira (6350), Genhotep (6342), Cavalierfool (5835), Ashen (5817), Laf (5281) and Hobart (5238). |
8/14/2020 11:01:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Bobby (619), MrBruce (841) and ReddRuby (1420) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
8/14/2020 11:00:57 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss (50 cubits at 905, -1713) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
8/7/2020 11:18:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Zendaoli (253) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
8/7/2020 11:05:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a (35534), Nanras-Ka (23252), Aaltje (23029) and Matroks (21599) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
8/7/2020 11:05:38 PM | Egypt recognizes CinAmm for her design at Upper Egypt 722 -1741, Artinum for his design at Upper Egypt 732 -1805, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
8/7/2020 11:05:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 849 -1939, Krysalyss for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1097 6801, in the Test of Flight. |
8/7/2020 11:05:04 PM | Egypt recognizes cathy for her design at Bernike 3029 -911, Bobby for her design at Naqada 2302 2291, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Rauul for his design at egypt 852 -1176, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, Lewbis for his design at egypt 985 6803, Kelistra for her design at egypt 985 6806, Kavad for his design at egypt 982 6803, ysabeau for her design at egypt 982 6806. |
8/7/2020 11:04:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Safira for her design at Red Sea 1897 1872, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
8/7/2020 11:04:40 PM | Egypt recognizes KrystalRose for her design at Kerma -1458 -1465, Khufuaer for his design at Kerma -1454 -1461, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Avenar for his design at egypt 808 -1930. |
8/7/2020 11:04:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Eugenius for his design at Red Sea 1972 1874, Shiva for his design at Upper Egypt 1068 -2264, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
8/7/2020 11:04:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Bailobo for his design at Upper Egypt 830 -1315, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
8/7/2020 11:04:15 PM | Egypt recognizes Tortellini for his design at East Sinai 4333 6683, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
8/7/2020 11:01:13 PM | Egypt recognizes Keltara (80566 points from 182 colors) and Eulen (78254 points using 178 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
8/7/2020 11:01:00 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Tortellini (12000) for the best: Lobby. Ninfa (18000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. blondie (30000) for the best: Meditation Platform. Tortellini (24000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Zowee (16200) for the best: Reading Terrace. Vixsin (16200) for the best: Professor's Retreat. KayGee (12000) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
8/7/2020 11:00:46 PM | Egypt recognizes Eridice (46100), Pixels (16280), Hapu (15425), Aardyn (13042) and amron (11949) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Abbi (11935), Kalmkitty (11595), Panyea (11225), Hakori (9501), Helferlein (9389), SilentStorm (8660), Fun (7736), Safira (6350), Genhotep (6342) and Cavalierfool (5835). |
8/7/2020 11:00:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Kay (732), Nissim (823) and Robare (853) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
8/7/2020 11:00:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Malard (52 cubits) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
7/31/2020 11:18:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Bessieloo (252) and Bobophet (224) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
7/31/2020 11:05:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss (21632), tetinrahh (21381), SilentStorm (20921) and Armatus (20801) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
7/31/2020 11:05:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Styx for his design at Red Sea 1813 1989, Kavad for his design at Meshwesh Delta 998 6804, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. Runners up: Artinum for his design at egypt 732 -1805. |
7/31/2020 11:05:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Phanny for her design at East Sinai 4046 6374, Govelius for his design at Bernike 3162 -911, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 849 -1939, Kay for her design at egypt 387 -1423. |
7/31/2020 11:04:53 PM | Egypt recognizes Sylvermoon for her design at East Sinai 4377 6711, Bobophet for his design at Red Sea 2025 1889, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Lewbis for his design at egypt 985 6803, Kelistra for her design at egypt 985 6806, Kavad for his design at egypt 982 6803, ysabeau for her design at egypt 982 6806, cathy for her design at egypt 3029 -911, Bobby for her design at egypt 2302 2291. |
7/31/2020 11:04:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Zendaoli for his design at Kerma -1450 -1459, Skara for her design at Kerma -1454 -1469, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: KrystalRose for her design at egypt -1458 -1465, Khufuaer for his design at egypt -1454 -1461. |
7/31/2020 11:04:26 PM | Egypt recognizes Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4361 6702, Electra for her design at Red Sea 1822 1960, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
7/31/2020 11:04:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 820 -1735, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
7/31/2020 11:04:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Kelistra for her design at Meshwesh Delta 986 6816, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
7/31/2020 11:01:07 PM | Egypt recognizes Kavad (88106 points from 182 colors) and AppleFritter (87377 points using 157 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
7/31/2020 11:00:55 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: KayGee (19449) for the best: Lobby. KayGee (22001) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Jyin (26514) for the best: Meditation Platform. Miksha (24000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Telanoc (24000) for the best: Reading Terrace. Telanoc (24000) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Sahira (18490) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
7/31/2020 11:00:41 PM | Egypt recognizes FoxKids (55860), CinAmm (24240), Nunu (22905), Malarquay (17723) and Oaxani (16779) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Hapu (15425), Aardyn (13042), amron (11949), Abbi (11935), Kalmkitty (11595), Panyea (11225), Hakori (9501), Helferlein (9389), SilentStorm (8660) and Fun (7736). |
7/31/2020 11:00:24 PM | Egypt recognizes Bessieloo (543), Luckylisa (543) and Hannelore (675) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
7/31/2020 11:00:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Malard (55 cubits) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
7/25/2020 12:54:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Sahira (*) for passing the Test of Hand of Ra. |
7/24/2020 11:18:26 PM | Egypt recognizes Tammie (225) and Kelistra (224) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
7/24/2020 11:05:55 PM | Egypt recognizes Augirsminion (23314), Puffs (22187), Cavalierfool (21776) and Arria (21253) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
7/24/2020 11:05:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Safira for her design at Red Sea 1906 1871, Tortellini for his design at East Sinai 4363 6710, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. Runners up: Artinum for his design at egypt 732 -1805. |
7/24/2020 11:05:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Sylvermoon for her design at East Sinai 4365 6711, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
7/24/2020 11:05:29 PM | Egypt recognizes cate for her design at Red Sea 2262 1603, Brucette for her design at Red Sea 2250 2048, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Govelius for his design at egypt 3162 -911, Jyin for her design at egypt 849 -1939. |
7/24/2020 11:05:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Tarik for his design at Meshwesh Delta 987 6806, Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 826 -1732, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, Rauul for his design at egypt 852 -1176, cathy for her design at egypt 3029 -911, ysabeau for her design at egypt 982 6806, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Kavad for his design at egypt 982 6803, Bobby for her design at egypt 2302 2291. |
7/24/2020 11:05:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Tazendra for her design at Swenett 870 -1161, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
7/24/2020 11:04:54 PM | Egypt recognizes blondie for her design at Red Sea 1822 1959, cate for her design at Red Sea 1967 1874, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. Runners up: Miksha for her design at egypt 4361 6702. |
7/24/2020 11:04:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Nekheph for her design at Red Sea 1824 1961, Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4357 6708, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Avenar for his design at egypt 808 -1930. |
7/24/2020 11:04:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Maata for her design at Naqada 2305 2324, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
7/24/2020 11:01:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Buck (89285 points from 151 colors) and Sylvermoon (87010 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
7/24/2020 11:01:09 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Jyin (21168) for the best: Lobby. Buck (21168) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Vixsin (20472) for the best: Meditation Platform. Vixsin (24000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Miksha (15200) for the best: Reading Terrace. Zowee (13200) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Vixsin (12288) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
7/24/2020 11:00:53 PM | Egypt recognizes Nissa (39725), Kasiya (34395), KrystalRose (29390), Annika (24905) and Dawner (21121) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include CinAmm (18465), Malarquay (17723), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), FoxKids (13535), Aardyn (13042), amron (11949), Abbi (11935), Kalmkitty (11595) and Panyea (11225). |
7/24/2020 11:00:35 PM | Egypt recognizes Bastia (574), Somebob (595) and Eridice (901) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
7/17/2020 11:18:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal (224) and Puffs (224) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
7/17/2020 11:06:23 PM | Egypt recognizes Spatulus (22974), Sahira (22744), Neas (22631) and Murtha (22536) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
7/17/2020 11:06:11 PM | Egypt recognizes Maata for her design at Red Sea 2031 2012, Telanoc for his design at Red Sea 2030 2013, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. Runners up: Artinum for his design at egypt 732 -1805. |
7/17/2020 11:06:04 PM | Egypt recognizes Bailobo for his design at Swenett 820 -1308, KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4354 6711, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
7/17/2020 11:05:55 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1364 4872, Kavad for his design at Suez 1342 5970, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 849 -1939. |
7/17/2020 11:05:46 PM | Egypt recognizes Dawner for her design at Red Sea 1801 1926, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
7/17/2020 11:05:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Basmati for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1025 6799, Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 943 -1766, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: ysabeau for her design at egypt 982 6806, Bobby for her design at egypt 2302 2291, Rauul for his design at egypt 852 -1176, cathy for her design at egypt 3029 -911, Tarik for his design at egypt 987 6806, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Kavad for his design at egypt 982 6803. |
7/17/2020 11:05:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 858 -1734, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
7/17/2020 11:05:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Subira for her design at Red Sea 2052 2012, Bobby for her design at Red Sea 2031 2017, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Nekheph for her design at egypt 1824 1961, Avenar for his design at egypt 808 -1930. |
7/17/2020 11:05:11 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 828 -1732, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
7/17/2020 11:04:53 PM | Egypt recognizes Telanoc for his design at Naqada 2305 2324, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
7/17/2020 11:01:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Ay (89524 points from 175 colors) and Jyin (87713 points using 149 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
7/17/2020 11:01:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Khufuaer (48000), Infra (47150), alyn (23913), Girdan (18591) and Addera (17088) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), Dawner (15036), Aardyn (13042), Malarquay (12048), Kalmkitty (11595), amron (11264), Panyea (11225), Hakori (9501) and Helferlein (9389). |
7/17/2020 11:01:20 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Buck (21629) for the best: Lobby. Jyin (10800) and Zowee (9000) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Brucette (18720) for the best: Meditation Platform. Telanoc (24000) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Jyin (15048) for the best: Reading Terrace. Jyin (15048) and Miksha (14200) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Zowee (9040) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
7/17/2020 11:01:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Tammie (611), Hands (688) and Skara (767) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
7/10/2020 11:17:53 PM | Egypt recognizes Dawner (256), Telanoc (248) and Robare (224) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
7/10/2020 11:05:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Somebob (24365), Lukeera (24328), Suze (23351) and Hen3ry (23204) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
7/10/2020 11:05:26 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels for her design at Red Sea 1813 1991, Phanny for her design at East Sinai 4361 6709, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
7/10/2020 11:05:06 PM | Egypt recognizes amonnakht for his design at Nabta Playa -1364 4838, Armatus for his design at Meshwesh Delta 1154 6696, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 849 -1939, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4872. |
7/10/2020 11:04:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Hands for her design at Bitter Lakes 1809 6506, Telanoc for his design at Naqada 2305 2146, in the Test of Dancing Waters. Runners up: Dawner for her design at egypt 1801 1926. |
7/10/2020 11:04:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Zendaoli for his design at Kerma -1452 -1480, Phanny for her design at East Sinai 4380 6706, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Buck for his design at egypt 943 -1766, Rauul for his design at egypt 852 -1176, Basmati for her design at egypt 1025 6799, Bobby for her design at egypt 2302 2291, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, ysabeau for her design at egypt 982 6806, Tarik for his design at egypt 987 6806. |
7/10/2020 11:04:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Ninfa for her design at Red Sea 1991 2097, Hands for her design at Bitter Lakes 1804 6502, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Ani77a for her design at egypt 858 -1734. |
7/10/2020 11:04:25 PM | Egypt recognizes Phanny for her design at East Sinai 4363 6701, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
7/10/2020 11:04:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Styx for his design at Red Sea 1814 1988, Maata for her design at Red Sea 2031 2019, in the Test of the Bijou. |
7/10/2020 11:04:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Phanny for her design at East Sinai 4333 6683, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
7/10/2020 11:01:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Nehebakau (86842 points from 182 colors) and Kahotep (86842 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
7/10/2020 11:00:54 PM | Egypt recognizes Serath (44030), JinHai (37325), Elamano (24470), Shaelee (22100) and Sonnenfeuer (20675) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Girdan (18591), alyn (18313), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), Aardyn (13042), Dawner (13036), Malarquay (12048), Kalmkitty (11595) and amron (11264). |
7/10/2020 11:00:38 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Telanoc (26112) for the best: Lobby. No winner for best: Contemplation Basin. (Too many ties) Buck (15048) for the best: Meditation Platform. Jyin (15048) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Tortellini (14400) for the best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. (Too many ties) Miksha (9000) for the best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 2 awards. |
7/10/2020 11:00:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin (728), Brucette (880) and Peacefulness (1083) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
7/3/2020 11:19:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Isbourne (248) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
7/3/2020 11:06:50 PM | Egypt recognizes Jaby (24692), phoenixwcu (24618), alaiing (23390) and Val (23380) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
7/3/2020 11:06:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Subira for her design at Red Sea 2052 2013, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
7/3/2020 11:06:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Ninfa for her design at Red Sea 1766 1989, Kelistra for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1254 7024, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 849 -1939, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4838, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4872, Armatus for his design at egypt 1154 6696. |
7/3/2020 11:06:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Oruse for his design at Upper Egypt 615 -1599, Styx for his design at Red Sea 1806 1972, in the Test of Dancing Waters. Runners up: Dawner for her design at egypt 1801 1926. |
7/3/2020 11:06:10 PM | Egypt recognizes Estaar for her design at East Sinai 4377 6706, Kay for her design at Upper Egypt 841 -1931, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Basmati for her design at egypt 1025 6799, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Zendaoli for his design at egypt -1452 -1480, Bobby for her design at egypt 2302 2291, Buck for his design at egypt 943 -1766, Tarik for his design at egypt 987 6806, Rauul for his design at egypt 852 -1176. |
7/3/2020 11:05:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1787 1942, Subira for her design at Abydos 1471 3199, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Ani77a for her design at egypt 858 -1734, Ninfa for her design at egypt 1991 2097. |
7/3/2020 11:05:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Telanoc for his design at Red Sea 2030 2017, Tortellini for his design at East Sinai 4357 6709, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Maata for her design at egypt 2031 2019. |
7/3/2020 11:05:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare for his design at Red Sea 2037 2019, Estaar for her design at East Sinai 4362 6702, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. Runners up: Phanny for her design at egypt 4363 6701. |
7/3/2020 11:05:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Heterika for his design at Bernike 3017 -911, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
7/3/2020 11:05:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Brucette for her design at Naqada 2305 2324, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
7/3/2020 11:02:04 PM | Egypt recognizes Infra (87952 points from 174 colors) and Nissa (87890 points using 174 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
7/3/2020 11:01:51 PM | Egypt recognizes SubDak (37550), amonnakht (25701), Eugenius (24740), Asarel (19880) and Kachina (19520) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Serath (18530), Elamano (17520), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), alyn (14388), Aardyn (13042), Malarquay (12048), Sonnenfeuer (11925) and Kalmkitty (11595). |
7/3/2020 11:01:33 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Sahira (14266) for the best: Lobby. Telanoc (14112) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Telanoc (14112) for the best: Meditation Platform. Buck (7200) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Buck (9608) for the best: Reading Terrace. Buck (11808) for the best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
7/3/2020 11:01:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Basmati (636), Avenar (658) and Sadvak (910) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
6/26/2020 11:18:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Basmati (232) and Shaelee (224) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
6/26/2020 11:05:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Astia (23311), Tibere (23112), KayGee (22754) and merek (22748) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
6/26/2020 11:05:20 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 831 -1735, Bobby for her design at Red Sea 2030 2014, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
6/26/2020 11:05:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Dawner for her design at Red Sea 1820 1981, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
6/26/2020 11:05:06 PM | Egypt recognizes Bobby for her design at Naqada 2160 2520, Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4046 6374, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Ninfa for her design at egypt 1766 1989, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4872, Jyin for her design at egypt 849 -1939, Kelistra for her design at egypt 1254 7024, Armatus for his design at egypt 1154 6696, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4838. |
6/26/2020 11:04:53 PM | Egypt recognizes Avenar for his design at Upper Egypt 801 -1930, Vixsin for her design at South Sinai 3979 5963, in the Test of Dancing Waters. Runners up: Oruse for his design at egypt 615 -1599. |
6/26/2020 11:04:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Aaltje for her design at Naqada 2308 2294, Dawner for her design at Red Sea 1817 1985, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Tarik for his design at egypt 987 6806, Rauul for his design at egypt 852 -1176, Buck for his design at egypt 943 -1766, Bobby for her design at egypt 2302 2291, Zendaoli for his design at egypt -1452 -1480, Basmati for her design at egypt 1025 6799. |
6/26/2020 11:04:33 PM | Egypt recognizes suma for her design at Red Sea 1757 1950, Electra for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1159 6732, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Ninfa for her design at egypt 1991 2097, Ani77a for her design at egypt 858 -1734, Al-Bilal for his design at egypt 1787 1942. |
6/26/2020 11:04:24 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1368 4856, Dawner for her design at Red Sea 1816 1989, in the Test of the Bijou. |
6/26/2020 11:04:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Bobby for her design at Naqada 2312 2306, Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4341 6674, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
6/26/2020 11:04:00 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu for his design at Bernike 3051 -926, Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 825 -1727, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
6/26/2020 11:03:54 PM | Egypt recognizes Shiva for his design at Upper Egypt 1034 -2268, in the Venery. |
6/26/2020 11:01:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Kachina (88648 points from 177 colors) and Greedy (83740 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
6/26/2020 11:00:54 PM | Egypt recognizes Kismet (34650), Ziani (29785), Tarik (26690), Rosenfeuer (22400) and Lewbis (19176) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Asarel (18460), amonnakht (18156), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), Elamano (14400), Aardyn (13042), Malarquay (12048), Kalmkitty (11595) and amron (11264). |
6/26/2020 11:00:40 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Nekheph (13200) for the best: Lobby. Armatus (8210) For the best: Contemplation Basin. KayGee (8358) for the best: Meditation Platform. Dawner (7200) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Dawner (8280) for the best: Reading Terrace. Dawner (8640) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Jyin (7200) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
6/26/2020 11:00:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Puffs (668), Styx (689) and Ani77a (902) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
6/19/2020 11:18:23 PM | Egypt recognizes Sashema (203) and Benisotous (200) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
6/19/2020 11:05:46 PM | Egypt recognizes Khufu (25009), Vixsin (24808), ysabeau (24484) and Benisotous (24472) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
6/19/2020 11:05:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 791 -1734, amonnakht for his design at Nabta Playa -1363 4852, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
6/19/2020 11:05:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Sylvermoon for her design at East Sinai 4456 6768, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Armatus for his design at egypt 1154 6696, Oruse for his design at egypt 613 -1607, Ninfa for her design at egypt 1766 1989, Kelistra for her design at egypt 1254 7024, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4838, Jyin for her design at egypt 849 -1939. |
6/19/2020 11:05:09 PM | Egypt recognizes nikara for her design at Bernike 3149 -707, Shiva for his design at Upper Egypt 1058 -2268, in the Test of Dancing Waters. Runners up: Oruse for his design at egypt 615 -1599. |
6/19/2020 11:05:00 PM | Egypt recognizes Girdan for his design at Bernike 3044 -958, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Buck for his design at egypt 943 -1766, Tarik for his design at egypt 987 6806, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Zendaoli for his design at egypt -1452 -1480, cathy for her design at egypt 3029 -911, Basmati for her design at egypt 1025 6799, Kay for her design at egypt 841 -1931. |
6/19/2020 11:04:49 PM | Egypt recognizes Rauul for his design at Swenett 857 -1176, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Ani77a for her design at egypt 858 -1734, Ninfa for her design at egypt 1991 2097, Al-Bilal for his design at egypt 1787 1942, suma for her design at egypt 1757 1950. |
6/19/2020 11:04:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Shiva for his design at Upper Egypt 1068 -2272, Sylvermoon for her design at East Sinai 4356 6704, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1368 4856. |
6/19/2020 11:04:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 935 -1766, Greedy for his design at Bernike 2969 -908, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
6/19/2020 11:04:24 PM | Egypt recognizes Phanny for her design at East Sinai 4351 6674, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
6/19/2020 11:04:16 PM | Egypt recognizes ReddRuby for her design at Naqada 2305 2324, Vixsin for her design at East Sinai 4333 6683, in the Test of Empty Hand. Runners up: Qwu for his design at egypt 3051 -926. |
6/19/2020 11:01:24 PM | Egypt recognizes Miksha (86265 points from 181 colors) and Tarik (86002 points using 172 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
6/19/2020 11:01:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Kelistra (48845), Rilla (36690), Boudikka (34630), Bailobo (26105) and Kay (19450) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include amonnakht (18156), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), Lewbis (14991), Asarel (14475), Aardyn (13042), Malarquay (12048), Kalmkitty (11595) and amron (11264). |
6/19/2020 11:01:01 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Ani77a (14400) and Govelius (14112) for the best: Lobby. Ani77a (14400) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Ani77a (14400) and Dawner (8640) for the best: Meditation Platform. Ani77a (14400) and KayGee (12348) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Ani77a (14400) and KayGee (14002) for the best: Reading Terrace. KayGee (15312) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Dawner (14400) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
6/19/2020 11:00:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Govelius (699), Bryce (797) and Shiva (1540) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
6/12/2020 11:18:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Nitocris (196) and Eulen (196) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
6/12/2020 11:06:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Heimdall (25670), Tammie (25660), ReddRuby (25517) and Tortellini (24646) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
6/12/2020 11:06:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Govelius for his design at Bernike 2966 -909, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
6/12/2020 11:05:59 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1363 4859, Lizzi for her design at Bernike 3047 -948, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
6/12/2020 11:05:49 PM | Egypt recognizes cathy for her design at Bernike 3193 -898, Puffs for her design at East Sinai 4462 6827, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Ninfa for her design at egypt 1766 1989, Jyin for her design at egypt 849 -1939. |
6/12/2020 11:05:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Lizzi for her design at Bernike 3066 -942, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
6/12/2020 11:05:32 PM | Egypt recognizes amonnakht for his design at Nabta Playa -1364 4849, cate for her design at Red Sea 1961 1879, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 943 -1772, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799, Kay for her design at egypt 841 -1931, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, Zendaoli for his design at egypt -1452 -1480, Basmati for her design at egypt 1025 6799. |
6/12/2020 11:05:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 851 -1734, Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 937 -1776, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Al-Bilal for his design at egypt 1787 1942, Ani77a for her design at egypt 858 -1734. |
6/12/2020 11:05:11 PM | Egypt recognizes amonnakht for his design at Nabta Playa -1368 4855, KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4356 6705, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1368 4856. |
6/12/2020 11:05:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 935 -1767, Hands for her design at East Sinai 4359 6702, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. Runners up: Buck for his design at egypt 935 -1766. |
6/12/2020 11:04:53 PM | Egypt recognizes ysabeau for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1002 6816, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
6/12/2020 11:04:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1364 4866, amonnakht for his design at Nabta Playa -1364 4843, in the Test of Empty Hand. Runners up: Qwu for his design at egypt 3051 -926, ReddRuby for her design at egypt 2305 2324. |
6/12/2020 11:04:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Phanny for her design at East Sinai 4369 6711, in the Venery. |
6/12/2020 11:01:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a (92104 points from 180 colors) and Kelistra (85394 points using 171 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
6/12/2020 11:01:38 PM | Egypt recognizes AppleFritter (38820), kajun (31458), Avenar (31096), LittleRags (24901) and Sunstrider (24185) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Kelistra (23520), amonnakht (18156), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), Asarel (14475), Rilla (13825), Aardyn (13042), Malarquay (12048) and Kay (11820). |
6/12/2020 11:01:23 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. (Too many ties) Dawner (7200) For the best: Contemplation Basin. No winner for best: Meditation Platform. (Too many ties) No winner for best: Scholar's Atheneum. (Too many ties) No winner for best: Reading Terrace. (Too many ties) Sahira (12730) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Buck (9000) for the best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 4 awards. |
6/12/2020 11:01:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Nekbeer (721), Aaltje (737) and nikara (750) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
6/5/2020 11:19:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss (189), Lukeera (189), Serath (189), Radcliffe (189), Murtha (189) and Brucette (189) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
6/5/2020 11:06:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Brucette (26202), Eulen (25366), Gnarph (25366) and Sashema (25340) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
6/5/2020 11:06:13 PM | Egypt recognizes Dawner for her design at Red Sea 1817 1988, Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 930 -1766, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
6/5/2020 11:06:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Basmati for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1033 6798, Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 931 -1754, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
6/5/2020 11:05:49 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 854 -1732, Sylvermoon for her design at South Sinai 2976 5065, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
6/5/2020 11:05:40 PM | Egypt recognizes Electra for her design at Red Sea 1787 1969, suma for her design at Red Sea 1787 1972, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4849, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799, cate for her design at egypt 1961 1879, Basmati for her design at egypt 1025 6799, Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, Zendaoli for his design at egypt -1452 -1480, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862. |
6/5/2020 11:05:28 PM | Egypt recognizes Oruse for his design at Upper Egypt 614 -1599, Vixsin for her design at South Sinai 3979 5974, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Al-Bilal for his design at egypt 1787 1942, Ani77a for her design at egypt 858 -1734, Stoiss for his design at egypt 851 -1734, Jyin for her design at egypt 937 -1776. |
6/5/2020 11:05:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Phanny for her design at East Sinai 4356 6707, in the Test of the Bijou. |
6/5/2020 11:04:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Lizzi for her design at Bernike 3059 -926, Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4333 6683, in the Test of Empty Hand. Runners up: Qwu for his design at egypt 3051 -926. |
6/5/2020 11:04:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 848 -1736, in the Venery. |
6/5/2020 11:02:04 PM | Egypt recognizes Phanny (87839 points from 168 colors) and nikara (85646 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
6/5/2020 11:01:53 PM | Egypt recognizes nochadlee (39735), Govelius (34355), Ani77a (32480), Krysalyss (31375) and Savarin (31289) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include kajun (24112), AppleFritter (23125), Avenar (18920), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), Asarel (14475), Aardyn (13042), Malarquay (12048) and Kalmkitty (11595). |
6/5/2020 11:01:39 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Armatus (8617) for the best: Lobby. Brucette (7200) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Al-Bilal (9600) for the best: Meditation Platform. Al-Bilal (8400) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Al-Bilal (8400) for the best: Reading Terrace. Ani77a (7200) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Ani77a (7200) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
6/5/2020 11:01:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Tarik (737), Phanny (787) and Mandrake (847) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
5/29/2020 11:18:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Miksha (192) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 4 advances. |
5/29/2020 11:05:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Artinum (36952), PasThaMair (27967), Orchid (26329) and Robare (26299) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
5/29/2020 11:05:23 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1369 4856, Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4357 6702, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. Runners up: Dawner for her design at egypt 1817 1988, Buck for his design at egypt 930 -1766. |
5/29/2020 11:05:13 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 789 -1734, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
5/29/2020 11:05:05 PM | Egypt recognizes BalourHotho for his design at East Sinai 4462 6827, in the Test of Flight. |
5/29/2020 11:04:57 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 911 -1727, Tarik for his design at Meshwesh Delta 1222 6998, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
5/29/2020 11:04:47 PM | Egypt recognizes blondie for her design at Red Sea 1788 1966, Ninfa for her design at Red Sea 1824 1965, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4849, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799, Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, Kelistra for her design at egypt 985 6806, Basmati for her design at egypt 1025 6799, cathy for her design at egypt 3029 -911. |
5/29/2020 11:04:35 PM | Egypt recognizes Kelistra for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1133 6905, Sylvermoon for her design at South Sinai 2992 5067, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Ani77a for her design at egypt 858 -1734, Stoiss for his design at egypt 851 -1734, Al-Bilal for his design at egypt 1787 1942, Jyin for her design at egypt 937 -1776. |
5/29/2020 11:04:25 PM | Egypt recognizes Rey for his design at Red Sea 1823 1961, in the Test of the Bijou. |
5/29/2020 11:04:11 PM | Egypt recognizes Lucretius for his design at Upper Egypt 948 -1763, Basmati for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1029 6798, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
5/29/2020 11:04:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Greedy for his design at Bernike 3067 -926, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
5/29/2020 11:03:56 PM | Egypt recognizes Saintcyr for his design at Upper Egypt 712 -1854, in the Venery. |
5/29/2020 11:00:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Marlie (87936 points from 169 colors) and chart (87934 points using 169 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
5/29/2020 11:00:50 PM | Egypt recognizes dedenav (28125), Engelchen (27220), Phanny (25010), Etma (21425) and Shiva (20725) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include kajun (20542), Savarin (19514), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), Aardyn (13042), Govelius (12875), AppleFritter (12675), Asarel (12580) and Krysalyss (12275). |
5/29/2020 11:00:35 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Stoiss (29031) and Benisotous (14400) for the best: Lobby. Sahira (14717) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Sahira (20804) for the best: Meditation Platform. Sahira (16599) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Sahira (11290) for the best: Reading Terrace. No winner for best: Professor's Retreat. No winner for best: Rare Book Section. |
5/29/2020 11:00:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Telanoc (716), Sahira (720) and Zendaoli (807) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
5/25/2020 7:49:45 PM | Egypt recognizes boompa (46324), Granni (45269), Bonnie (41515) and Rags (38338) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
5/22/2020 11:06:08 PM | Egypt recognizes akc2 (65811), Jackal (65105), Anastasya (57197) and Ninfa (50281) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
5/22/2020 11:05:59 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 833 -1735, Sylvermoon for her design at East Sinai 4363 6705, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. Runners up: Dawner for her design at egypt 1817 1988, Archis for his design at egypt -1369 4856, Buck for his design at egypt 930 -1766. |
5/22/2020 11:05:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Rhaom for his design at Bernike 2973 -903, Vixsin for her design at East Sinai 4363 6712, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
5/22/2020 11:05:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 1009 -1924, Vixsin for her design at East Sinai 4047 6344, in the Test of Flight. |
5/22/2020 11:05:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Rhaom for his design at Bernike 2850 -1041, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
5/22/2020 11:05:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Nekheph for her design at Upper Egypt 976 -2164, Hands for her design at Meshwesh Delta 987 6803, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799, Basmati for her design at egypt 1025 6799, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4849, cathy for her design at egypt 3029 -911, Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, Ninfa for her design at egypt 1824 1965. |
5/22/2020 11:05:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu for his design at Bernike 3049 -953, Lizzi for her design at Bernike 3049 -948, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Al-Bilal for his design at egypt 1787 1942, Stoiss for his design at egypt 851 -1734, Jyin for her design at egypt 937 -1776, Ani77a for her design at egypt 858 -1734. |
5/22/2020 11:04:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Ninfa for her design at Red Sea 1820 1961, Qwu for his design at Bernike 2968 -909, in the Test of the Bijou. |
5/22/2020 11:04:49 PM | Egypt recognizes firegolem for his design at Meshwesh Delta 976 6809, Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 827 -1732, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
5/22/2020 11:04:42 PM | Egypt recognizes Bessieloo for her design at Red Sea 1838 2083, Keltara for her design at Kerma -1455 -1480, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: Basmati for her design at egypt 1029 6798, Lucretius for his design at egypt 948 -1763. |
5/22/2020 11:04:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 825 -1727, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
5/22/2020 11:04:25 PM | Egypt recognizes Heimdall for his design at East Sinai 4081 6390, in the Venery. |
5/22/2020 11:01:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Styx (97230 points from 182 colors) and Stoiss (94714 points using 181 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
5/22/2020 11:01:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Oruse (43527), Nebamon (33897), Kavad (21477), Bobby (21330) and Binny (20284) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Etma (20130), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), kajun (14832), Aardyn (13042), AppleFritter (12675), Asarel (12580), Savarin (12414) and Malarquay (12048). |
5/22/2020 11:01:20 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: No winner for best: Lobby. (Too many ties) Stoiss (21600) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Stoiss (21600) for the best: Meditation Platform. Stoiss (21600) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Stoiss (21600) for the best: Reading Terrace. Stoiss (14400) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Stoiss (14400) for the best: Rare Book Section. Retaining 1 awards. |
5/22/2020 11:01:04 PM | Egypt recognizes Stekki (725), Artinum (728) and Peabody (791) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
5/16/2020 7:32:12 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: cathy (10349) for the best: Lobby. cathy (26480) For the best: Contemplation Basin. cathy (23722) for the best: Meditation Platform. cathy (22930) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. cathy (24705) for the best: Reading Terrace. Al-Bilal (8400) for the best: Professor's Retreat. cathy (8975) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
5/16/2020 7:30:46 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin (325), Vixsin (325), Ani77a (325), Bobby (300), Tortellini (300), Aaltje (288), Sabuli (275), ReddRuby (250), Gabrielnight (240), Rhaom (225), sparkle (225), Kachina (207), Heterika (200), cathy (200), Benou (200), nikara (200), Styx (200), BalourHotho (192), Delfin (187), mayati (175), Khufu (175), Somebob (175), TimberNZ (175), Akil (168), SubDak (168), Archis (168), amron (168), Sadvak (168), Sylvermoon (165), Phrang (161) and Dreama (153) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
5/16/2020 7:27:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu (375) and Lizzi (350) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
5/16/2020 7:19:28 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (552) and Greedy (475) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
5/15/2020 11:18:51 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (552) and Greedy (450) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
5/15/2020 11:06:09 PM | Egypt recognizes akc2 (63616), Jackal (62910), Anastasya (55002) and blondie (50956) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
5/15/2020 11:06:00 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4363 6707, cate for her design at Red Sea 1970 1879, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1369 4856, Dawner for her design at egypt 1817 1988. |
5/15/2020 11:05:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Eulen for his design at Meshwesh Delta 1154 6696, Qwu for his design at Bernike 3159 -932, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Buck for his design at egypt 1009 -1924. |
5/15/2020 11:05:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Mandrake for his design at Naqada 2353 2573, Kelistra for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1132 6913, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
5/15/2020 11:05:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Lizzi for her design at Bernike 3046 -918, Rhaom for his design at Bernike 3049 -918, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4849, Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Hands for her design at egypt 987 6803, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799, Ninfa for her design at egypt 1824 1965, Nekheph for her design at egypt 976 -2164. |
5/15/2020 11:05:15 PM | Egypt recognizes Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 937 -1761, Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4216 6694, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 937 -1776, Al-Bilal for his design at egypt 1787 1942. |
5/15/2020 11:05:06 PM | Egypt recognizes Rhaom for his design at Bernike 2975 -905, Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 828 -1735, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Ninfa for her design at egypt 1820 1961, Qwu for his design at egypt 2968 -909. |
5/15/2020 11:04:59 PM | Egypt recognizes Lizzi for her design at Bernike 3043 -967, Maata for her design at Naqada 2312 2315, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: Basmati for her design at egypt 1029 6798, Lucretius for his design at egypt 948 -1763. |
5/15/2020 11:04:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4372 6711, in the Venery. |
5/15/2020 11:01:41 PM | Egypt recognizes Delfin (96536 points from 168 colors) and Rhaom (94267 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
5/15/2020 11:01:31 PM | Egypt recognizes Korrin (27116), Leniana (23809), Seanganne (22825), Jyin (21816) and Buck (21782) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Binny (20284), Addera (17088), Oruse (16912), Oaxani (16779), Etma (16585), Hapu (15425), Lucretius (14188), Aardyn (13042), AppleFritter (12675) and Savarin (12414). |
5/15/2020 11:01:17 PM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Qwu (33948) for the best: Lobby. Lizzi (35424) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Qwu (34319) for the best: Meditation Platform. Lizzi (34319) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Qwu (34319) for the best: Reading Terrace. Qwu (40436) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Qwu (42060) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
5/15/2020 11:01:01 PM | Egypt recognizes cate (807), Heterika (840) and Buck (876) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
5/9/2020 9:43:17 AM | In Library of Alexandria, Egypt recognises: Qwu (33948) for the best: Lobby. Lizzi (35424) For the best: Contemplation Basin. Rhaom (27119) for the best: Meditation Platform. Rhaom (30178) for the best: Scholar's Atheneum. Rhaom (28512) for the best: Reading Terrace. cathy (21095) for the best: Professor's Retreat. Qwu (42060) for the best: Rare Book Section. |
5/8/2020 11:18:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (506) and Spatulus (408) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
5/8/2020 11:05:48 PM | Egypt recognizes akc2 (63616), Jackal (62910), Anastasya (55002) and Rey (51634) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
5/8/2020 11:05:39 PM | Egypt recognizes firegolem for his design at Meshwesh Delta 977 6808, Nissim for his design at Bernike 3023 -908, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1369 4856, Dawner for her design at egypt 1817 1988. |
5/8/2020 11:05:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1753 1891, Murtha for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1154 6696, in the Test of Flight. |
5/8/2020 11:05:13 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4112 6946, Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4216 6700, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
5/8/2020 11:05:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Greedy for his design at Bernike 3049 -916, Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4380 6706, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Nekheph for her design at egypt 976 -2164, Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4849, Lizzi for her design at egypt 3046 -918, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Rhaom for his design at egypt 3049 -918, Ninfa for her design at egypt 1824 1965. |
5/8/2020 11:04:52 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4103 6946, Robare for his design at Naqada 2264 2466, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 937 -1776, Buck for his design at egypt 937 -1761. |
5/8/2020 11:04:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Lizzi for her design at Bernike 2966 -905, Hands for her design at East Sinai 4356 6709, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Qwu for his design at egypt 2968 -909, Rhaom for his design at egypt 2975 -905. |
5/8/2020 11:04:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Lizzi for her design at Bernike 2972 -911, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
5/8/2020 11:04:26 PM | Egypt recognizes Greedy for his design at Bernike 3043 -971, Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 823 -1735, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: Basmati for her design at egypt 1029 6798, Lizzi for her design at egypt 3043 -967, Lucretius for his design at egypt 948 -1763. |
5/8/2020 11:01:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Mariamom (101078 points from 182 colors) and Dreama (97146 points using 168 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
5/8/2020 11:01:18 PM | Egypt recognizes Estaar (55868), Rhiow (34927), Aten (24614), Nekbeer (24428) and cate (23183) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Leniana (22288), Buck (18972), Jyin (18656), Khufuaer (17433), Addera (17088), Binny (16823), Oaxani (16779), Hapu (15425), Korrin (15330) and Etma (14364). |
5/8/2020 11:00:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Kachina (885), Lizzi (1002) and Stoiss (1134) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
5/1/2020 11:17:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (462) and Spatulus (345) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
5/1/2020 11:05:04 PM | Egypt recognizes Qefedenou (63909), akc2 (63616), Jackal (62910) and Anastasya (55002) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
5/1/2020 11:04:55 PM | Egypt recognizes Lizzi for her design at Bernike 2975 -909, Vixsin for her design at East Sinai 4363 6708, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. Runners up: firegolem for his design at egypt 977 6808, Nissim for his design at egypt 3023 -908, Dawner for her design at egypt 1817 1988, Archis for his design at egypt -1369 4856. |
5/1/2020 11:04:41 PM | Egypt recognizes Dreama for her design at Upper Egypt 859 -1962, Lizzi for her design at Bernike 3182 -928, in the Test of Flight. |
5/1/2020 11:04:26 PM | Egypt recognizes Nitocris for her design at Blue Nile -146 -7043, Miksha for her design at East Sinai 4377 6711, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Rhaom for his design at egypt 3049 -918, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4849, Lizzi for her design at egypt 3046 -918, Modius for his design at egypt 1021 6799, Greedy for his design at egypt 3049 -916. |
5/1/2020 11:04:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Kay for her design at Upper Egypt 843 -1974, ChiliPepper for her design at Asyut 1172 1750, in the Test of the Formal Garden. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 937 -1776, Buck for his design at egypt 937 -1761. |
5/1/2020 11:04:11 PM | Egypt recognizes Keltara for her design at Kerma -1450 -1469, Mehrane for her design at Blue Nile -88 -7033, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Qwu for his design at egypt 2968 -909, Lizzi for her design at egypt 2966 -905, Rhaom for his design at egypt 2975 -905. |
5/1/2020 11:04:04 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu for his design at Bernike 2969 -911, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
5/1/2020 11:03:57 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu for his design at Bernike 3043 -964, Rhaom for his design at Bernike 3043 -969, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: Basmati for her design at egypt 1029 6798, Lucretius for his design at egypt 948 -1763. |
5/1/2020 11:03:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Rhaom for his design at Bernike 3075 -926, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
5/1/2020 11:00:41 PM | Egypt recognizes Dawner (103099 points from 180 colors) and Heterika (98928 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
5/1/2020 11:00:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Bobophet (49717), Peabody (39283), Nehebakau (33550), Bessieloo (28931) and Tazendra (25222) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Estaar (22508), Rhiow (21002), Aten (19429), Leniana (17688), Khufuaer (17433), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), cate (16103), Buck (15447) and Hapu (15425). |
5/1/2020 11:00:10 PM | Egypt recognizes Eugenius (936), ChiliPepper (1056) and Eulen (1209) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
4/24/2020 11:19:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (441) and Spatulus (330) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
4/24/2020 11:06:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Qefedenou (60378), akc2 (60085), Jackal (59379) and Anastasya (51471) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
4/24/2020 11:05:55 PM | Egypt recognizes Heterika for his design at Bernike 3022 -908, Rey for his design at Red Sea 1820 1958, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. Runners up: Dawner for her design at egypt 1817 1988, Nissim for his design at egypt 3023 -908. |
4/24/2020 11:05:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4357 6712, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
4/24/2020 11:05:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 794 -1734, Rey for his design at Red Sea 1723 2015, in the Test of Flight. |
4/24/2020 11:05:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Kay for her design at Upper Egypt 835 -1960, LadyKaytay for her design at Red Sea 2117 1768, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
4/24/2020 11:05:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Khufuaer for his design at Kerma -1449 -1493, Stoiss for his design at Upper Egypt 826 -1735, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Greedy for his design at egypt 3049 -916, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4849, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043, Rhaom for his design at egypt 3049 -918, Lizzi for her design at egypt 3046 -918. |
4/24/2020 11:05:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Rhaom for his design at Bernike 2980 -908, Sabina for her design at Upper Egypt 666 -1728, in the Test of the Formal Garden. |
4/24/2020 11:05:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4356 6710, Vixsin for her design at East Sinai 4356 6708, in the Test of the Bijou. Runners up: Keltara for her design at egypt -1450 -1469, Mehrane for her design at egypt -88 -7033. |
4/24/2020 11:04:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Rhaom for his design at Bernike 2972 -908, Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4359 6702, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
4/24/2020 11:04:43 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4334 6692, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
4/24/2020 11:04:35 PM | Egypt recognizes Tammie for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1055 6813, in the Venery. |
4/24/2020 11:01:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal (100200 points from 182 colors) and Bryce (100104 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
4/24/2020 11:01:25 PM | Egypt recognizes Sylvermoon (35433), ChiliPepper (34438), LadyKaytay (32207), Tammie (31183) and firegolem (28818) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Nehebakau (27350), Peabody (25568), Bobophet (19815), Bessieloo (18851), Tazendra (17632), Aten (17526), Khufuaer (17433), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779) and Leniana (15766). |
4/24/2020 11:01:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Nekheph (841), Honey (852) and LadyKaytay (909) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
4/17/2020 11:18:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (399) and Spatulus (294) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
4/17/2020 11:05:31 PM | Egypt recognizes Qefedenou (60377), Nissim (60284), akc2 (60084) and cathy (60024) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
4/17/2020 11:05:23 PM | Egypt recognizes Rhaom for his design at Bernike 2975 -911, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
4/17/2020 11:05:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Ani77a for her design at Upper Egypt 798 -1734, LadyKaytay for her design at Red Sea 2166 1773, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Stoiss for his design at egypt 794 -1734. |
4/17/2020 11:05:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Nissim for his design at Bernike 3006 -913, Brucette for her design at Red Sea 2032 1993, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
4/17/2020 11:04:55 PM | Egypt recognizes Rey for his design at Red Sea 1824 1969, Heterika for his design at Bernike 2994 -911, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Greedy for his design at egypt 3049 -916, Ninfa for her design at egypt 1824 1965, Lizzi for her design at egypt 3046 -918, Rhaom for his design at egypt 3049 -918, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043. |
4/17/2020 11:04:26 PM | Egypt recognizes FrightfulDezert for her design at Bernike 3020 -911, Ninfa for her design at Red Sea 1825 1950, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
4/17/2020 11:01:10 PM | Egypt recognizes cate (100150 points from 182 colors) and Zowee (98836 points using 180 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
4/17/2020 11:01:00 PM | Egypt recognizes Miksha (34545), Greedy (34138), Nekheph (23521), Kahotep (23333) and Rauul (21216) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include ChiliPepper (20808), firegolem (20622), LadyKaytay (20080), Tammie (19225), Peabody (19013), Bessieloo (17830), Khufuaer (17433), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779) and Nehebakau (16714). |
4/17/2020 11:00:41 PM | Egypt recognizes Spatulus (939), Keltara (980) and Subira (1184) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
4/10/2020 11:18:46 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (380) and Spatulus (280) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
4/10/2020 11:05:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Qefedenou (60377), Nissim (60284), akc2 (60084) and Greedy (60083) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
4/10/2020 11:05:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1820 1985, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
4/10/2020 11:05:25 PM | Egypt recognizes firegolem for his design at Meshwesh Delta 981 6759, Rhaom for his design at Bernike 3120 -943, in the Test of Flight. Runners up: Stoiss for his design at egypt 794 -1734, Ani77a for her design at egypt 798 -1734. |
4/10/2020 11:05:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare for his design at Naqada 2304 2486, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
4/10/2020 11:05:11 PM | Egypt recognizes Keltara for her design at Kerma -1449 -1480, Orchid for her design at Naqada 2305 2291, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Heterika for his design at egypt 2994 -911, Rhaom for his design at egypt 3049 -918, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043, Rey for his design at egypt 1824 1969, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Greedy for his design at egypt 3049 -916, Lizzi for her design at egypt 3046 -918. |
4/10/2020 11:04:38 PM | Egypt recognizes oblifeer for his design at Red Sea 1820 2000, Rey for his design at Red Sea 1825 1953, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: FrightfulDezert for her design at egypt 3020 -911. |
4/10/2020 11:01:10 PM | Egypt recognizes Solaris (101028 points from 182 colors) and KayGee (98163 points using 180 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
4/10/2020 11:00:59 PM | Egypt recognizes Subira (36403), Khufu (26359), Skara (25647), Luckylisa (24432) and Peacefulness (22719) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Greedy (19255), Kahotep (19219), Addera (17088), Oaxani (16779), Peabody (16637), Bessieloo (15630), Hapu (15175), ChiliPepper (14702), Lucretius (14188) and LadyKaytay (13622). |
4/10/2020 11:00:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Leniana (945), Bobophet (1183) and Delfin (1351) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
4/3/2020 11:19:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (342), amonnakht (209) and Spatulus (209) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
4/3/2020 11:06:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Heterika (62401), Qefedenou (60377), Nissim (60284) and akc2 (60084) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
4/3/2020 11:06:00 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare for his design at Red Sea 2030 2011, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
4/3/2020 11:05:43 PM | Egypt recognizes Deborah for her design at South Sinai 3256 4656, Zaark for his design at South Sinai 3259 4656, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Rey for his design at egypt 1824 1969, Greedy for his design at egypt 3049 -916, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Lizzi for her design at egypt 3046 -918, Heterika for his design at egypt 2994 -911, Girdan for his design at egypt 3044 -958, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043. |
4/3/2020 11:05:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare for his design at Naqada 2130 2421, in the Test of Flight. |
4/3/2020 11:05:29 PM | Egypt recognizes Orchid for her design at Naqada 2312 2312, Tortellini for his design at East Sinai 4341 6711, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: oblifeer for his design at egypt 1820 2000, FrightfulDezert for her design at egypt 3020 -911, Rey for his design at egypt 1825 1953. |
4/3/2020 11:05:20 PM | Egypt recognizes cathy for her design at Bernike 3026 -908, Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1819 1989, in the Test of the Bijou. |
4/3/2020 11:05:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Rey for his design at Red Sea 1825 1957, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
4/3/2020 11:05:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare for his design at Naqada 2305 2324, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
4/3/2020 11:01:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Ruby (102180 points from 182 colors) and Sahira (99889 points using 180 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
4/3/2020 11:01:36 PM | Egypt recognizes Benisotous (26980), Basmati (23875), azul (23779), Stoiss (23682) and Sahira (23361) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Luckylisa (20871), Khufu (20694), Subira (20056), Peacefulness (18202), Oaxani (16779), Bessieloo (14334), Peabody (13256), Lucretius (12624), Savarin (12414) and ChiliPepper (12271). |
4/3/2020 11:01:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Girdan (1173), Miksha (1246) and suma (1804) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
3/27/2020 11:18:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (306) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
3/27/2020 11:04:55 PM | Egypt recognizes Abbi (59711), FrightfulDezert (59705), Flanae (59699) and nikara (59697) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
3/27/2020 11:04:50 PM | Egypt recognizes dedenav for his design at Bernike 2990 -911, Heimdall for his design at East Sinai 4390 6708, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Lizzi for her design at egypt 3046 -918, Heterika for his design at egypt 2994 -911, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Greedy for his design at egypt 3049 -916, Zaark for his design at egypt 3259 4656, Rey for his design at egypt 1824 1969, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043. |
3/27/2020 11:04:42 PM | Egypt recognizes Murtha for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1125 7008, Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1819 1988, in the Test of the Raeli Mosaic. |
3/27/2020 11:04:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Ninfa for her design at Red Sea 1825 1960, Kelistra for her design at Meshwesh Delta 991 6809, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
3/27/2020 11:04:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare for his design at Naqada 2312 2426, in the Test of the Prismatic Opticon. |
3/27/2020 11:04:17 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4351 6711, Zaark for his design at South Sinai 3269 4656, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: FrightfulDezert for her design at egypt 3020 -911, Rey for his design at egypt 1825 1953. |
3/27/2020 11:04:09 PM | Egypt recognizes Zaark for his design at South Sinai 3480 3889, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
3/27/2020 11:04:03 PM | Egypt recognizes firegolem for his design at Meshwesh Delta 976 6806, Robare for his design at Red Sea 2030 2018, in the Test of the Bijou. |
3/27/2020 11:03:50 PM | Egypt recognizes Mira for her design at Meshwesh Delta 911 6937, in the Venery. |
3/27/2020 11:00:40 PM | Egypt recognizes Bessieloo (101028 points from 182 colors) and Bobophet (99772 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
3/27/2020 11:00:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Ruby (29924), TimberNZ (28338), suma (25427), Ritter (24505) and Mariamom (21074) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Sahira (20132), Benisotous (19792), Basmati (19661), Luckylisa (18497), Stoiss (17443), Khufu (16114), Peacefulness (13428), Savarin (12414), Bessieloo (12233) and Malarquay (12048). |
3/27/2020 11:00:22 PM | Egypt recognizes amonnakht (1007), Safira (1106) and Armatus (1213) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
3/20/2020 11:18:16 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (289) and Jeslyn (170) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
3/20/2020 11:05:07 PM | Egypt recognizes Trecares (59920), Dreama (59423), Delfin (59421) and Lucretius (58476) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
3/20/2020 11:05:00 PM | Egypt recognizes SilentStorm for her design at Red Sea 1812 2004, Tortellini for his design at East Sinai 4377 6708, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043, Zaark for his design at egypt 3259 4656, Heterika for his design at egypt 2994 -911, Rey for his design at egypt 1824 1969, dedenav for his design at egypt 2990 -911, Heimdall for his design at egypt 4390 6708. |
3/20/2020 11:04:43 PM | Egypt recognizes Tarik for his design at Meshwesh Delta 992 6809, amonnakht for his design at Nabta Playa -1366 4855, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
3/20/2020 11:04:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 943 -1763, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
3/20/2020 11:00:50 PM | Egypt recognizes Kalmkitty (99286 points from 182 colors) and ReddRuby (97951 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
3/20/2020 11:00:41 PM | Egypt recognizes Anastasya (25274), Zendaoli (22839), BalourHotho (22566), Heterika (22076) and Akhbeer (20187) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include TimberNZ (18011), Mariamom (17035), Ruby (16499), Ritter (15498), Sahira (15360), Luckylisa (14655), Basmati (14626), Benisotous (13057), Savarin (12414) and Malarquay (12048). |
3/20/2020 11:00:31 PM | Egypt recognizes Sylvermoon (856), Mehrane (1042) and Dreama (1232) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
3/13/2020 11:18:26 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (272), Jeslyn (170), cas (153), amonnakht (144) and Spatulus (144) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
3/13/2020 11:04:53 PM | Egypt recognizes Lizzi (48848), Qwu (48848), Rhaom (48836) and dedenav (48823) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
3/13/2020 11:04:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Spatulus for his design at East Sinai 4380 6708, KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4380 6711, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Heterika for his design at egypt 2994 -911, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043, Heimdall for his design at egypt 4390 6708, Rey for his design at egypt 1824 1969, dedenav for his design at egypt 2990 -911, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4849. |
3/13/2020 11:04:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Tortellini for his design at East Sinai 4360 6702, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
3/13/2020 11:04:30 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1364 4762, Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4343 6711, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: Buck for his design at egypt 943 -1763. |
3/13/2020 11:04:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Basmati for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1363 7097, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
3/13/2020 11:01:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare (97461 points from 182 colors) and dedenav (96947 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
3/13/2020 11:00:51 PM | Egypt recognizes Armatus (22715), Archis (20353), Mevat (19831), ElZinn (19410) and Eulen (16941) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Heterika (16894), Akhbeer (14609), TimberNZ (14522), BalourHotho (13363), Savarin (12414), Sahira (12297), Malarquay (12048), Addera (11727), Basmati (11722) and Zendaoli (11591). |
3/13/2020 11:00:40 PM | Egypt recognizes Akhbeer (1204), Kelistra (1504) and dedenav (7463) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
3/6/2020 11:18:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (255) and Jeslyn (160) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 3 advances. |
3/6/2020 11:05:12 PM | Egypt recognizes Dawner (30077), Al-Bilal (30068), Honey (27379) and Sorafine (27342) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
3/6/2020 11:05:07 PM | Egypt recognizes Cavalierfool for his design at Blue Nile -251 -7046, Sahira for her design at East Sinai 4390 6711, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Heterika for his design at egypt 2994 -911, Rhaom for his design at egypt 3049 -918, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862, Heimdall for his design at egypt 4390 6708, dedenav for his design at egypt 2990 -911, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043, amonnakht for his design at egypt -1364 4849. |
3/6/2020 11:04:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Vixsin for her design at East Sinai 4361 6702, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
3/6/2020 11:04:50 PM | Egypt recognizes Spatulus for his design at East Sinai 4348 6711, Vixsin for her design at East Sinai 4346 6711, in the Test of the Pathmaker. Runners up: Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4762, Zowee for her design at egypt 4343 6711. |
3/6/2020 11:04:41 PM | Egypt recognizes Gnarph for his design at East Sinai 4333 6700, in the Test of Empty Hand. |
3/6/2020 11:04:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Dusti for her design at Hermopolis 1285 3475, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
3/6/2020 11:04:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1364 4759, in the Venery. |
3/6/2020 11:01:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Orchid (96268 points from 182 colors) and Telanoc (95382 points using 182 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
3/6/2020 11:01:29 PM | Egypt recognizes lilac (25866), Cegaiel (21006), Keltara (18872), Rags (18527) and Puffs (18214) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Mevat (17186), Armatus (16957), ElZinn (13234), Archis (13041), Savarin (12414), Malarquay (12048), Addera (11727), Sahira (11283), Oaxani (11044) and Heterika (10695). |
3/6/2020 11:01:18 PM | Egypt recognizes Lazybum (923), Vixsin (1040) and Rhaom (1085) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
2/28/2020 11:18:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (210) and Jeslyn (150) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 3 advances. |
2/28/2020 11:04:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Kalmkitty (23493), Mandrake (23490), Maata (23487) and Telanoc (23483) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
2/28/2020 11:04:47 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu for his design at Bernike 3046 -916, Maata for her design at Naqada 2312 2297, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Heterika for his design at egypt 2994 -911, Sahira for her design at egypt 4390 6711, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043, Cavalierfool for his design at egypt -251 -7046, dedenav for his design at egypt 2990 -911, Rhaom for his design at egypt 3049 -918, Archis for his design at egypt -1364 4862. |
2/28/2020 11:04:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Spatulus for his design at East Sinai 4363 6702, KayGee for her design at East Sinai 4361 6701, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
2/28/2020 11:01:12 PM | Egypt recognizes FrightfulDezert (95818 points from 182 colors) and Maata (92998 points using 181 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
2/28/2020 11:01:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Delfin (29752), Rhaom (26054), Dreama (22396), Sashema (17596) and salama (15899) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Armatus (15336), Mevat (14478), Rags (12655), Savarin (12414), Malarquay (12048), Puffs (11192), Oaxani (11044), Addera (10466), lilac (10427) and Keltara (10331). |
2/28/2020 11:00:53 PM | Egypt recognizes TimberNZ (2245), Erikem (2891) and FrightfulDezert (4050) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
2/22/2020 9:57:06 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (168), Jeslyn (140), cas (112), chart (112), Nicole (98), Marlie (98), KayGee (98), Nehebakau (98) and Spatulus (98) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 3 advances. |
2/21/2020 11:04:21 PM | Egypt recognizes BalourHotho for his design at East Sinai 4490 6861, Puffs for her design at East Sinai 4489 6871, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Qwu for his design at egypt 3046 -916, dedenav for his design at egypt 2990 -911, Lizzi for her design at egypt 3046 -918, Heterika for his design at egypt 2994 -911, Sahira for her design at egypt 4390 6711, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043, Cavalierfool for his design at egypt -251 -7046. |
2/21/2020 11:04:16 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1366 4856, Sahira for her design at East Sinai 4364 6701, in the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
2/21/2020 11:04:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Tammie for her design at Meshwesh Delta 833 7076, Saintcyr for his design at Upper Egypt 725 -1852, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
2/21/2020 11:04:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Augir (35390), chart (20365), Saintcyr (17416) and Tamarack (17411) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
2/21/2020 11:03:40 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis for his design at Nabta Playa -1365 4900, Murtha for her design at Meshwesh Delta 1158 7014, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
2/21/2020 11:03:32 PM | Egypt recognizes tehm for his design at West Kush 931 -4044, Puffs for her design at East Sinai 4494 6871, in the Venery. |
2/21/2020 11:00:42 PM | Egypt recognizes Tortellini (89204 points from 180 colors) and Vixsin (89085 points using 180 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
2/21/2020 11:00:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Saber (23463), Obliff (19518), Mandrake (19020), Tortellini (15023) and Bastia (14791) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Mevat (14478), Delfin (14087), Rhaom (13573), Savarin (12414), Malarquay (12048), Sashema (11191), Anastasya (9582), Hakori (9501), Armatus (9436) and Helferlein (9389). |
2/21/2020 11:00:24 PM | Egypt recognizes Orchid (763), Dawner (782) and Kaa (807) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
2/14/2020 11:18:25 PM | Egypt recognizes Buck (78) and Astia (78) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
2/14/2020 11:04:54 PM | Egypt recognizes Vixsin for her design at East Sinai 4387 6708, Gnarph for his design at East Sinai 4387 6711, in the Test of the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Lizzi for her design at egypt 3046 -918, BalourHotho for his design at egypt 4490 6861, Puffs for her design at egypt 4489 6871, Heterika for his design at egypt 2994 -911, Qwu for his design at egypt 3046 -916, Sahira for her design at egypt 4390 6711, dedenav for his design at egypt 2990 -911. |
2/14/2020 11:04:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 943 -1776, cathy for her design at Bernike 3031 -911, in the Test of the Pathmaker. |
2/14/2020 11:04:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 933 -1740, amonnakht for his design at Nabta Playa -1364 4754, in the Test of Dancing Waters. |
2/14/2020 11:04:14 PM | Egypt recognizes Vixsin for her design at East Sinai 4368 6711, in the Venery. |
2/14/2020 11:04:08 PM | Egypt recognizes Augir (24259), chart (18952), Jyin (18887) and Buck (18699) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
2/14/2020 11:01:25 PM | Egypt recognizes Gnarph (77777 points from 171 colors) and cathy (72357 points using 181 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
2/14/2020 11:01:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu (22625), Hands (22308), Coyote (21868), Honey (18902) and Bryce (18314) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Tortellini (15023), Bastia (14791), Saber (13272), Savarin (12414), Malarquay (12048), Obliff (11548), Mevat (11338), Mandrake (11270), Hakori (9501) and Armatus (9436). |
2/14/2020 11:01:08 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee (787), Lucretius (907) and tehm (1125) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
2/7/2020 11:17:55 PM | Egypt recognizes Astia (72) and Nicole (60) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
2/7/2020 11:04:19 PM | Egypt recognizes Fryoj for his design at Blue Nile 112 -7047, Kalmkitty for her design at Naqada 2308 2291, passing the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: cathy for her design at egypt 3029 -911, Benou for his design at egypt 3014 -911, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043, Buck for his design at egypt 943 -1766, FrightfulDezert for her design at egypt 3017 -911, Tempos for his design at egypt 759 -1735, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851. |
2/7/2020 11:04:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare for his design at Naqada 2312 2309, passing the Test of the Pathmaker. |
2/7/2020 11:03:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 932 -1799, Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1935 2086, passing the Test of Dancing Waters. |
2/7/2020 11:03:34 PM | Egypt recognizes Augir (14079), Gumby (12905), Fryoj (12851) and Mehrane (11512) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
2/7/2020 11:00:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu (52767 points from 133 colors) and Brucette (48506 points using 157 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
2/7/2020 11:00:38 PM | Egypt recognizes Nitocris (22065), Flanae (20471), Saintcyr (19674), Trecares (19217) and Erikem (19023) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Hands (18148), Qwu (17561), Honey (15824), Bryce (15789), Coyote (12617), Savarin (12414), Bastia (12394), Malarquay (12048), Mandrake (11270) and Mevat (10007). |
2/7/2020 11:00:29 PM | Egypt recognizes ElZinn (1379), Jaby (1450) and merek (4946) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
1/31/2020 11:19:10 PM | Egypt recognizes chart (77), Astia (66), blondie (55), Alphabob (55) and Timm (55) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
1/31/2020 11:04:52 PM | Egypt recognizes TimberNZ for his design at Blue Nile -150 -7043, Telanoc for his design at Naqada 2312 2294, passing the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Benou for his design at egypt 3014 -911, cathy for her design at egypt 3029 -911, Nitocris for her design at egypt -146 -7043, Buck for his design at egypt 943 -1766, FrightfulDezert for her design at egypt 3017 -911, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, Fryoj for his design at egypt 112 -7047. |
1/31/2020 11:04:37 PM | Egypt recognizes Fryoj for his design at Blue Nile 112 -7050, Catote for his design at Meshwesh Delta 1014 6816, passing the Test of the Pathmaker. |
1/31/2020 11:04:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Fryoj for his design at Blue Nile 300 -7070, passing the Test of Dancing Waters. |
1/31/2020 11:04:15 PM | Egypt recognizes Zowee for her design at East Sinai 4372 6711, passing the Venery. |
1/31/2020 11:02:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Sabina (2996), Marlie (2996), Augir (2996) and chart (2927) for bringing life-giving water to our land, and passing the Test of Life. |
1/31/2020 11:01:33 PM | Egypt recognizes Mandrake (25595 points from 143 colors) and Lizzi (22325 points using 60 colors) for passing the Test of Funerary Temple. |
1/31/2020 11:01:24 PM | Egypt recognizes ReddRuby (29860), mayati (25286), Marlie (24108), Kyrrah (18946) and Zowee (18217) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Nitocris (17865), Erikem (16727), Trecares (16660), Hands (15658), Saintcyr (15280), Bryce (14728), Flanae (14312), Honey (13714), Savarin (12414) and Malarquay (12048). |
1/31/2020 11:01:15 PM | Egypt recognizes Archis (784), Zowee (889) and Tortellini (1093) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
1/25/2020 11:37:31 AM | Egypt recognizes Robare for his design at Naqada 2312 2291, Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1823 1995, passing the Tomb of the Immortal. Runners up: Benou for his design at egypt 3014 -911, Fryoj for his design at egypt 112 -7047, Saintcyr for his design at egypt 728 -1851, FrightfulDezert for her design at egypt 3017 -911, cathy for her design at egypt 3029 -911. |
1/25/2020 11:37:23 AM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1820 1990, passing the Test of Alchemists Rune. |
1/25/2020 11:37:15 AM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1821 1992, passing the Test of the Pathmaker. |
1/25/2020 11:37:09 AM | Egypt recognizes Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 943 -1759, Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 943 -1781, passing the Test of Empty Hand. |
1/24/2020 11:03:00 PM | Egypt recognizes Spatulus for his design at East Sinai 4370 6711, passing the Venery. |
1/24/2020 11:00:31 PM | Egypt recognizes Vixsin (20756), Dusti (18325), Lizzi (17198), Artinum (17125) and Sadvak (16689) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Trecares (16660), Kyrrah (15516), mayati (15324), Zowee (14978), Hands (14769), Erikem (14094), Nitocris (13577), ReddRuby (13410), Bryce (12980) and Savarin (12414). |
1/24/2020 11:00:23 PM | Egypt recognizes Qwu (798), Nitocris (939) and Saintcyr (1614) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
1/19/2020 8:11:49 PM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1823 2009, Cavalierfool for his design at Blue Nile -258 -7046, passing the Test of Empty Hand. Runners up: Jyin for her design at egypt 943 -1781. |
1/17/2020 11:18:02 PM | Egypt recognizes Marlie (45), Spatulus (45) and Astia (45) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
1/17/2020 11:04:07 PM | Egypt recognizes cathy for her design at Bernike 3097 -686, passing the Test of Dancing Waters. |
1/17/2020 11:04:01 PM | Egypt recognizes Jyin for her design at Upper Egypt 927 -1777, Buck for his design at Upper Egypt 926 -1759, passing the Venery. |
1/17/2020 11:01:05 PM | Egypt recognizes chart (18310), Dreasimy (16534), Heimdall (15597), Brucette (15423) and phoenixwcu (12708) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Artinum (12608), Savarin (12414), Sadvak (12157), Flanae (12012), Vixsin (10456), Hands (10391), Dusti (10041), Lizzi (10027), Kyrrah (9966) and mayati (9472). |
1/17/2020 11:00:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Pixels (836), Ruby (1498) and Marlie (2093) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
1/10/2020 11:17:04 PM | Egypt recognizes KayGee (40), Rey (40) and Astia (40) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 2 advances. |
1/10/2020 11:03:24 PM | Egypt recognizes Tempos for his design at Upper Egypt 720 -1632, passing the Test of Dancing Waters. |
1/10/2020 11:00:35 PM | Egypt recognizes Telanoc (21464), Somebob (15105), Nissim (13402), Nanras-Ka (13349) and dedenav (11794) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include chart (11569), Dreasimy (11321), Sadvak (10426), Vixsin (10405), Flanae (10071), Lizzi (10027), Savarin (8754), Dusti (8726), Heimdall (8637) and Artinum (8481). |
1/10/2020 11:00:27 PM | Egypt recognizes Fryoj (1505), Heimdall (1946) and Ninfa (3920) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
1/3/2020 11:17:22 PM | Egypt recognizes Tempos (35) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 3 advances. |
1/3/2020 11:00:44 PM | Egypt recognizes Gnarph (13842), oblifeer (13820), Arria (11783), Kaffikopp (11443) and IaruHetep (10114) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Telanoc (9665), Somebob (9572), Sadvak (9415), Nissim (8583), Dusti (7753), Savarin (7569), Dreasimy (6853), chart (6843), Lizzi (6660) and dedenav (6541). |
1/3/2020 11:00:39 PM | Egypt recognizes Lukeera (904), Gnarph (909) and Electra (1026) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
12/27/2019 11:03:52 PM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal for his design at Red Sea 1923 2086, passing the Venery. |
12/27/2019 11:01:07 PM | Egypt recognizes cas (15128), Augirsminion (14797), Ay (11863), Nicole (11452) and Louk (11158) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include oblifeer (9837), Gnarph (9036), Kaffikopp (8677), IaruHetep (8069), Dusti (7717), Sadvak (7547), Nissim (6396), Telanoc (5905), Somebob (5512) and Savarin (5351). |
12/27/2019 11:00:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Tempos (722), blondie (846) and chart (1513) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
12/24/2019 1:08:23 PM | Egypt recognizes Al-Bilal (1002), Catote (1088) and Rey (2184) for passing the Test of the Archaeologist. |
12/20/2019 11:17:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Gumby (24) and Astia (24) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
12/20/2019 11:00:42 PM | Egypt recognizes Robare (11691), Mehrane (10499), Astia (8926), Tibere (8879) and KayGee (8825) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include cas (8685), IaruHetep (7409), Nicole (7355), oblifeer (6820), Ay (6505), Louk (6219), Kaffikopp (5840), Dusti (5213), Sadvak (5048) and Haiden (4303). |
12/13/2019 11:17:42 PM | Egypt recognizes cas (20), Pixels (20), Astia (20) and Muhel (16) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
12/13/2019 11:03:49 PM | Egypt recognizes Helferlein for his design at West Kush 1305 -4000, Tempos for his design at Upper Egypt 754 -1736, passing the Venery. |
12/13/2019 11:01:05 PM | Egypt recognizes Maata (8266), Electra (8112), Spatulus (6971), Brad (6554) and Sabina (6015) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Mehrane (5640), Kaffikopp (5486), Dusti (5158), Louk (5127), Nicole (5069), cas (5026), IaruHetep (4789), Robare (4678), KayGee (4546) and Haiden (4303). |
12/6/2019 11:01:17 PM | Egypt recognizes Ninfa (16) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 2 advances. |
12/6/2019 11:01:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Augir (7501), Orchid (6964), tehm (6260), Jaby (6107) and cathy (5704) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Spatulus (5701), Brad (5185), Kaffikopp (4786), Sabina (4386), Haiden (4303), Electra (4293), Louk (4115), Mehrane (4009), Robare (3875) and Dusti (3825). |
11/29/2019 11:01:21 PM | Egypt recognizes Kahotep (12) and Nehebakau (12) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
11/29/2019 11:01:07 PM | Egypt recognizes Neas (7938), Fryoj (7800), Csirke (6265), Modius (5650) and Al-Bilal (4696) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include tehm (4589), cathy (4083), Kaffikopp (3954), Jaby (3679), Orchid (3591), Morendo (3530), Spatulus (3286), Dusti (3276), Brad (3248) and Haiden (3227). |
11/22/2019 11:00:58 PM | Egypt recognizes Electra (6) for passing the Test of Marriage. Retaining 1 advances. |
11/22/2019 11:00:45 PM | Egypt recognizes Jeslyn (7414), Taldam (7128), Anefeli (6014), Ninfa (6012) and blondie (5298) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include Fryoj (4845), Neas (4153), Csirke (3827), Al-Bilal (3825), Modius (3803), tehm (3336), cathy (3062), Kaffikopp (2982), Dusti (2693) and Morendo (2551). |
11/16/2019 9:21:03 PM | Egypt recognizes Gumby (6857), Tempos (6725), Lukeera (2221), Rey (2085) and Redshift (1566) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include blondie (1442), tehm (1346), Taldam (1292), FrightfulDezert (1284), Xirxx (1175), Tamarack (1087), Jeslyn (885), Neas (882), Morendo (851) and Dreasimy (827). |
11/16/2019 9:05:59 PM | Egypt recognizes Gumby (6857), Tempos (6725), Lukeera (2221), Rey (2085) and Redshift (1566) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include blondie (1442), tehm (1346), Taldam (1292), FrightfulDezert (1284), Xirxx (1175), Tamarack (1087), Jeslyn (885), Neas (882), Morendo (851) and Dreasimy (827). |
11/16/2019 9:00:18 PM | Egypt recognizes Jeslyn (4) and Rilla (3) for passing the Test of Marriage. |
11/16/2019 8:50:48 PM | Egypt recognizes Gumby (6857), Tempos (6725), Lukeera (2221), Rey (2085) and Redshift (1566) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include blondie (1442), tehm (1346), Taldam (1292), FrightfulDezert (1284), Xirxx (1175), Tamarack (1087), Jeslyn (885), Neas (882), Morendo (851) and Dreasimy (827). |
11/16/2019 8:47:23 PM | Egypt recognizes Gumby (6857), Tempos (6725), Lukeera (2221), Rey (2085) and Redshift (1566) for passing the Balance of Goods. Runners-up include blondie (1442), tehm (1346), Taldam (1292), FrightfulDezert (1284), Xirxx (1175), Tamarack (1087), Jeslyn (885), Neas (882), Morendo (851) and Dreasimy (827). |